Hey Guys,
Stupid question here. I ditched the Xbox version of KSP in favor of the PC because of all the mods and stuff. After about 5 days of playing with it, I finally have all the mods installed I wanted and have it running a decent frame rate. A few of the configs needed manual editing to get the good frame rate. I don't think I messed anything else up, but now the atmosphere seems to start way to low. I have looked to the config to change it, but I am not finding it, not finding it with a google search either. Probably right in front of my face. LOL So, when I fly orbital or sub orbital the atmosphere started at 70k. I would begin really slowing and seeing reentry flames about 52K give or take. I would be slowed down and come out of reentry about 20k or so. Now it looks like I am not hitting the thicker part of the atmosphere until about 30K or below. Very low, and by the time I am slowed enough for chutes, I am almost on the ground.
Here are the Mods I have:
RVE with EVE and Scatterer
Small Solar System
Real Plume
Reentry particle effects
FASA and Historical Missions (historical missions do not seem to show up in contracts, contract manager is installed)
A few other mods, but nothing earth shattering.