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  1. No I haven't yet. Going to experiment with some other stuff today. I do finally have it all working with MM installed as well. But there was NO rhyme or reason why it started all the sudden. I must have done 15 clean installs and rebuilds yesterday. Each time I would load the game if it worked I'd copy the entire game folder to save a functional version then add another mod and rinse repeat. Took me 5+hours total but I found a combination that hasn't excrements the bed yet. Problem was it was totally random. I had all the mods installed and functional without MM and figured screw it I'll try one more time to throw MM over the top and sure enough it worked.
  2. Ok, I think I may have narrowed it down a bit. Clean install completely it seems to work no issue. As soon as module manager 2.6.25 is added to the mix i get crashes. Now running with 7 to 8 additional mods and no issues. As long as I keep module manager out it seems to play nice.
  3. I may have spoken too soon. Still crashing on each attempt to enter rocket assembly building. I can't find player.log, only ksp.log. Little help here please so I can get you the correct file.
  4. Functioning now on a totally clean install. Though a lot more demanding than expected! I installed hi res and it wrecked my framerate on a 15" retina macbook pro with 2.6 quad i7. Though I only have 8gb of ram in this thing. Installed med-res instead and now adding mods one by one to test functionality.
  5. Before I send you spending your time tearing through logs I will try a completely clean isntall of KSP again first. Being so new I'm trying to go through everything and find out what is compatible with current version stuff as initially I installed a bunch of stuff that is broken in current versions.
  6. Sorry if this is a newb question but I am having a bit of trouble here. I downloaded and installed KSP last week for OSX from the kerbal store (non steam) I have become incredibly addicted but the game really leaves something to be desired visually. I am trying to get this mod up and running. Unpacked the contents and copied them directly to the game data folder on a clean install of kerbal. Game loads and opens ok. Gives me the menu with graphics options, though when I load a save game it gets screwy. Won't let me leave the R&D lab for example once I enter. I can view ships to launch but when I click launch they dont load. Also will not let me enter the shapceship assembly complex to build a new ship. Any ideas here? Any help would be much appreciate as this mod looks absolutely a wonderful enhancement to KSP. Thanks in advance!
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