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Posts posted by dvc

  1. Patcher error

    SetError: Couldn\'t unzip the latest update, do you have sufficient disk space? Ionic.Zip.ZipException: Cannot read that as a ZipFile ---> Ionic.Zip.BadReadException: Could not read block - no data! (position 0x00000000)

    at Ionic.Zip.SharedUtilities._ReadFourBytes (System.IO.Stream s, System.String message) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Ionic.Zip.SharedUtilities.ReadInt (System.IO.Stream s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.ReadFirstFourBytes (System.IO.Stream s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.ReadIntoInstance (Ionic.Zip.ZipFile zf) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

    at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.ReadIntoInstance (Ionic.Zip.ZipFile zf) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.Read (System.IO.Stream zipStream, System.IO.TextWriter statusMessageWriter, System.Text.Encoding encoding, System.EventHandler`1 readProgress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.Read (System.IO.Stream zipStream) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at ZipUtil.UnZipBytes (System.Byte[] bytess, System.String outputFolder) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at PatchClientGUI.UnzipUpdate (UnityEngine.WWW www, System.String tmpFolder) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/b0bcff80449a48aa/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

    You are trying to load data from a www stream which had the following error when downloading.
    transfer closed with 230918019 bytes remaining to read

    (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/b0bcff80449a48aa/Runtime/Export/WWW.cpp Line: 968)

    Bytes:0 tmpFolder=M2HPatcherTMP/WindowsPlayer4/

    (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/b0bcff80449a48aa/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

  2. Between what time is the server up?

    also could you give a DIRECT IP?

    (dvc.name doesn\'t work..)

    it should work 24/7. if its down i need to know about it and will be up asap.

    direct ip is but dvc.name should work

    Current status: [glow=red,2,300]309 crew and 358 vessels[/glow]

  3. Mapping Update,

    Well my 45deg mapping mission finished, I shifted it into about a 75deg orbit. I also have about 18 hours of polar data from my second mission.

    Mission one Raw Data.


    2. Mission two Raw Data.


    My Polar mission doesn\'t seem to Jive with my Main mission, I had seen the gaps in the data on my polar mission from flying a higher orbit and expected it to be in the lowland area. This was not the case.

    Also The polar mission was actually in two parts, I got about two passes before the game crashed, then I got another mission that took some effort to get into position. These two missions have different prime meridians.

    While I can probably shift these two datasets to match using a crater to line them up, It makes me suspicious of some of the early points in my main file(The first crash landing) I may omit these readings.

    I\'ll make an update once cleaned this data up.

    hmm.. its also in your data.. your starts from -170° and goes to 190° not -180/180 ... weird

  4. Moar data for the data crunchers.

    I also made a map from all the publicly posted data I noticed.

    (thanks dvc, SasquatchM, toastar, and togfox1)


    Let it use different files than the default.

    Nice work.

    btw. ive looked thru all the data published (not your compilation) and found some strange data:







    its just tiny bit... just thinking how did he/she got 304° ? there was 190° somewhere else...

  5. Would it be possible to add an option to allow everyone to fly every craft and have it saved?

    Say A, B and C are doing a joint Mun project, and A wants B to fly their space thingy to the mun from where he left off.

    Im preety sure you can fly somebodys craft... but cant tell you how it works in practice.

    come to my serv from signature and try to fly things which are already there ;]

    hmm.. Try to build a craft use stock parts for compatibility (btw mechjeb is 'stock' for me ;) leave it heading Mun and let me know..

    ..then ill try to land it. If I make it, and dont waste all the fuel I\'ll let you know and you will be able to bring it back home.

    So thats the theory..

    (make sure you update your save before starting and after leaving the game)

  6. Sorry if this has already been answered, but is it possible for the plugin to run on multiple vehicles at the same time to speed up the mapping process?

    No unless you run two (or more) separate instances of the game... and then you have to merge both (or more) data files.*

    *but I may be wrong

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