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    Part-Time Major Tom
  1. You're right in the respect of space-launches. I think that the idea is more for runways/terrestrial flight; giving planes a purpose beyond waiting for SSTO tech. That said, a polar launch would be useful for certain satellite contracts.
  2. I had an idea for something based around this in this thread. I'm very much for expanding flight options on Kerbin and within its SOI, being as only a minority of players tend to venture out to other planets on a regular basis.
  3. Like others have said on here, parts for cool-looking, consistent stations and habitats. I'm also gonna throw my dream of other runways around Kerbin and maybe another 1 or 2 launchpads in here too. (Disclaimer - I know the other locations thing is already implemented as a mod, but would be nice to see it as stock)
  4. I suppose you could limit the tonnage of the vessel from a non-atmosphere SC, limiting it to rovers, orbiters, and insertion flights to its parent planet?
  5. Sorry, I didn't see your thread. Glad there's someone out there with the same thoughts! My concept was Kerbin-centric, but would easily expand to other bodies. Accounting for the ease of lift-off/orbiting from a moon, I would likely put the cost of the initial plot up to x Science, y funds, z, reputation, as well as x amount of ore/fuel and hitchhiker containers and MPLs (multiple drops, if needs be). Basically bring a small construction crew to get started and show that you can easily get there.
  6. Additional thoughts - - Precision trajectory within a base's area of influence (basically, the Trajectories mod but for unlocked bases and their biomes). This would help new players as they can send a sub-orbital rocket instead of a plane. - Additional R&D at other bases make parts cheaper/lighter/more efficient. - Refueling mini-biomes you can taxi through to refuel and take-off again without exiting. This would open up multi-stage missions.
  7. First of all,if this has already been mentioned/proposed in another thread, then I apologise. Had a quick look through recent posts and couldn't find anything like this. My idea for an expansion is basically a coming-together of various mods in one smooth experience. I would like to see the option to purchase pre-defined plots of land on Kerbin, and beyond, These plots can then be expanded (with cash or contract completions to there) to create other Space Centres/Aerodromes, in the same way as the KSC is now. These bases also unlock the CommNet for that part of the planet (on higher difficulty). Contracts are generated that go between them. Examples:- Fly x units of liquid fuel to the Arctic Base Fly a Secret Agent from point A to B, but stay below x metres altitude. Take 2 Kerbals to SW Crater Mun Base, then change them for 2 more, and return them. I feel that this will give aircraft more of a purpose than waiting for the dual-purpose engines and gunning it skywards, or those 'take a reading' contracts I've only just started properly learning how to create planes in KSP (after 150 hours), and feel that this is an opportunity to bring in another style of gameplay. Feel free to expand on this, or tear it apart!
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