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Everything posted by MysticalFists

  1. Memgraph might help you maximize your ram usage, if you're using 64bit.
  2. I updated my Graphics section with some additional mods I've added (as well as descriptions for the mods I'm using). Still looking to expand the beauty of the game and always open to suggestions
  3. @papuchalk I haven't noticed, but next time I play I'll take a closer look!
  4. No problem. I saw in another post y'all suggested reporting a message if it wasn't being attended. Thanks a bunch for fixing it
  5. I use Stock Visual Terrain; however, I am interested in what other alternatives are available. Full list of the graphical mods I use is below: Graphical Mods ------------------ - Crew Lights - Distant Object Enhancement - Distant Object Enhancement Default Config - Engine Lighting - Enviornmental Visual Enhancements - Kopernicus Planetary System Modifying - PlanetShine - Poods Milky Way Skybox - Real Plume - Real Plume - Stock Configs - Scatterer - Scatterer - Default Config - Scatterer - Sunflare - Sigma Replacements: Skybox - SmokeScreen - Extended FX Plugin - Stock Visual Enhancements - Stock Visual Enhancements - High Res Textures - Stock Visual Terrain - Texture Replacer Replaced - Window Shine
  6. It's not just any one mod, but combinations. This is what I use; however, I know there are other combinations people use. The combination of mods makes lights, objects, enviornment, weather, plumes, windows, planets, water, clouds, and more so much better!~ Graphical Mods ------------------ - Crew Lights - Distant Object Enhancement - Distant Object Enhancement Default Config - Engine Lighting - Enviornmental Visual Enhancements - Kopernicus Planetary System Modifying - PlanetShine - Poods Milky Way Skybox - Real Plume - Real Plume - Stock Configs - Scatterer - Scatterer - Default Config - Scatterer - Sunflare - Sigma Replacements: Skybox - SmokeScreen - Extended FX Plugin - Stock Visual Enhancements - Stock Visual Enhancements - High Res Textures - Stock Visual Terrain - Texture Replacer Replaced - Window Shine
  7. ASET + RasterPropMonitor! ------------------ This is what I use for IVA: - ALCOR - ALCOR Advanced IVA - ASET Agency - ASET Avionics - ASET Props - MK1 Cockpit IVA Replacement by ASET - MK1 Lander Can IVA Replacement by ASET - MK1-2 IVA Replacement by ASET - RasterPropMonitor - RasterPropMonitor Core
  8. Did I not post this in the right section? It's been 4 days and still needs approval
  9. Help! I can't stop modding!! I don't really add many parts, but I love to enhance the features and looks of this game. I also have a HTC Vive and use some mods for playing in VR. I've tried to break these up by category, but I'm always looking for suggestions on better setups or new mods (especially relating to automation, features, graphics, and VR). Let me know what you think Extended Features: ------------------ I'm not sure which planetary transfer window calc is better, but I have 3. I also use Gravity Turn Continued over Mechjeb's ascent guidance and am looking for a better automatic lander or orbit matching (for satellite missions). - Astrogator - BetterBurnTime - Chatterer - Chatterer Extended - Docking Port Alignment Indicator - Gravity Turn Continued - Kerbal Alarm Clock - Kerbal Engineer Redux - KSP AVC - Landing Height Display - Mechjeb 2 - ModularFlightIntegrator - Module Manager - Percise Maneuver - Trajectories - Transfer Window Planner - TriggerAU Flags Graphical Mods ------------------ - Collision FX // Adds sound, light, and particle effects - Crew Lights // An automatic light manager for day/night - Distant Object Enhancement // Makes distant objects realistically visible - Distant Object Enhancement Default Config - Engine Lighting // Gives engines realistic lighting - Enviornmental Visual Enhancements // City lights and clouded planets - Indicator Lights // Indicator lights actually work (Green, Yellow, Red) - Kopernicus // Planetary replacement (for use with SVT below) - PlanetShine // Adds reflective lighting based on planet of orbit --- Note: Although listed for 1.2, it works with 1.3 and 1.3.1 - Poods Milky Way Skybox // The night sky is actually the Milky Way - Real Plume // Effects to make rocket plume more realistic - Real Plume - Stock Configs - Reentry Particle Effects // Stock particle effect for reentry - Scatterer // Atmospheric scattering - Scatterer - Default Config - Scatterer - Sunflare // More realistic sunflares --- Note: I'm using Galileo’s Sun Flares config for this - Sigma Replacements: Skybox // Customizeable skyboxes (see Poods) - SmokeScreen // More realistic smoke from engines - Stock Visual Enhancements // An enhancement for EVE and Scatterer - Stock Visual Enhancements - High Res Textures - Stock Visual Terrain // Terrain texture pack using Kopernicus - Texture Replacer Replaced // Texture replacments and reflections - Textures Unlimited // KSP Shader, Texture, and Utilities - Vapor Vent // Vent trails for rockets on the launchpad - Window Shine // Reflective windows and solar panels VR Mods ------------------ Every thing here is for IVA, except Through the Eyes is for EVA. - ALCOR - ALCOR Advanced IVA - ASET Agency - ASET Avionics - ASET Props - MK1 Cockpit IVA Replacement by ASET - MK1 Lander Can IVA Replacement by ASET - MK1-2 IVA Replacement by ASET - RasterPropMonitor - RasterPropMonitor Core - SCANsat - Through The Eyes - Vessel Viewer Continued - VesselView UI RasterPropMonitor
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