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Everything posted by craftyguy

  1. I don\'t want to support paypal\'s business practices.
  2. I don\'t trust PayPal. I\'m not ranting about PayPal, I\'m requesting that alternative forms of payment be added so that I can support the development of this game. I have my reasons for not trusting PayPal, and I don\'t give a sh*t if you don\'t share those same reasons. At the very least, we can both agree that these developers deserve my money.
  3. As much as I\'ve played this up to this point, I would be willing to \'pre-order\' about $50 for it. Unfortunately I do not trust PayPal with $0.01 of that.. More payment options would be appreciated.
  4. Why is this modeled after our solar system? Kerbal 'Earth' obviously isn't..
  5. Thanks! So hit T at liftoff and hold down F when unstable?
  6. What does T do? I don't remember it from the tutorial, and I haven't found a game manual or anything..
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