Hi. I've been playing off and on a little bit, and I'm noting that it's exceedingly hard to keep to the target in the "Go for Orbit" tutorial. It seems somewhat like cheating to use the autopilot, but I fail most of the time doing it unassisted, only recently making it once or twice. I find that in atmosphere I fishtail like mad, and outside of atmosphere the briefest possible tap on my keyboard overcompensates badly. Am I doing it wrong, or is this just not meant to be done without autopilot?
In other news, I need to figure out where to report bugs. It's unfortunate that I can't reset to launch in the tutorials, as if I try it, I find myself on the launch pad, but evidently the script that allows certain actions at certain times doesn't reset, so I have to exit the simulation and restart from the menus. I'll find a place to report that, but for now I'd love to know why keeping on-target is so difficult in that tutorial.
Another question: Are there mailing lists? I really dislike web fora but I'd love to subscribe to a list or three.