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Everything posted by Wollknäuel

  1. @Kerbal101 Thank you so much, u were right, after updating to 1.2 the problem is solved
  2. @Kerbal101: I recognized this behaviour of the decoupler before, but I don't know whats the difference between the 2 attach nodes. I think in my current design, I used the bad version. I would like to share the craft but have to admit I'm not sure how... Are you doing this with the save-file? I want to mention that I tried a little bit more and the problem is reproducable. This makes me thinking if I'm still the mistake The rocket is a 3 stage-design: I'm not sure if it's visible: The 2 solid boosters are just connected with one decoupler each, so they flatter around for the whole burning time. Maybe this is repurposed bovine waste, but is it possible that they "hit" the door and break it? Because I saw yesterday that after the EVA, there is a message: Hatch obstruceted or smth like this ( i can check it again if this helps but have to redo the flight before). Maybe anyone can tell me how to use more than one decoupler on the large boosters, if I place more than one in a vertical line, its still just connected to one.... An here a second picture with a close up for the decoupler Thank you guys, and let me know what you need for sharing the craft.
  3. Thx guys, I was trying what I did wrong but then it's fine for me^^ Restarting doesn't really help but yeah I didnt move them. Thanks, can be closed
  4. Hey all, first of all, I'm pretty new to Kerbal Space Pogram so maybe it's kind of a noob question: I'm playing the carrer mode and startet my first fly to Minmus. I did a few EVA's at earlier flights using the PPD-10 Hitchhiker Container. The ship flies with Probodobodyne OKTO. So my 4 kerbs are just in the PPD-10. On the last flight I send a scientist outside, but after pressing B for reentering, I loose control over him: He stays outside and seems to be active for control, since there is no display for fuel/energy anymore, but pressing WASD just turns the ship. But pressing Space dont activate the next stage (the stage menu is missing aswell). I tried it several times but it happen always again (testing it at the launch pad works) In conclusion I can't reenter him, I can't send other Kerbs outside (Hatch obstructed), but I also can't speed up time on the way to Minmus. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I add a screenshot, maybe this helps you to help me^^ Thank you I think I failed the screenshot...
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