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Everything posted by cfitz22

  1. No idea if this is already a discovered issue, but I believe TweakScale's crew scaling is broken. When I made a command pod larger my game stopped working before launching because the seats displayed in the manifest were greater than the expected amount of seats for the part. Here's the output log: IndexOutOfRangeException: [PartCrewManifest Error]: seat index out of range: i = 2 while mk1pod has 1 seats at PartCrewManifest.AddCrewToSeat (.ProtoCrewMember crew, Int32 seatIndex) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Seems that making the mk1 2.5 meters made it add 3 seats when it normally only had one. Not a modder for KSP so I don't know how hard this is, but I do have a bit of programming experience, so I'd recommend finding a way to also increase the item's default crew size to prevent this error in the future. That, or simply make it so crew slots don't increase when parts are made larger.
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