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Everything posted by Soldats

  1. Hey to their credit its not really the kerbal hardware that is the issue it seems to be just how they design their rockets....
  2. lol why is it that every time you add radioactivity to something people think it should explode?
  3. You might wanna check out my 'Delta IV' too, it doesn't use any SRB's but its based on an actual design (hint: look at molo's linked picture and click on mine for the rocket file) She flys wonderfully can achieve both escape velocity and orbit, if I had symmetry she would fly perfectly straight and I would need all those damned SAS's. Very simple rugged two stage rocket really though I do have a version that has a bunch of SRB's strapped on that isn't as 'realistic' but gets it about another 500 m/s of escape velocity. I love simple designs tbh even though I build complicated ones too the simple ones always seem to out perform the ridiculous ones.
  4. I have messed around with these modules quite a bit and a word to the wise: Use stabilizers EVERYWHERE! The rockets are very close together and they have a tendency to knock into each other and bounce around especially when using multiples of this module together. Still having 12 liquids firing all at once is quite awesome.
  5. My delta IV gets escape velocity EDIT: Rocket file attached
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