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  1. This game has been a major hit for my children. The constant freezing of the game frustrates us all. They want to build former/current/future space missions and probes. We have been waiting patiently for any word about fixing the broken product you sold us. Closing in on 3 month since release and all we really hear from you is about the PC 1.2 update. Honestly, we didn't pay $40 to beta test your game. What makes it even more frustrating is you have dozens of people working on the PC update and only 1 (that I have found) on the PS4 Patch. Have been seriously considering the PC version for my children, but you can't provide us with any confidence that these types of disasters won't happen again. In all seriousness, I am not sure what company has made it worse, you or Hello Games, with No Man's Sky. Both were released around the same time and both have had the same level of dismissal to what they claimed they offered. Extremely disappointing...
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