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Everything posted by Tim255

  1. I solved the problem! Corrupt installation of a windows update that blocked a codec for sounds used in the Unity Engine. Re-Installed all updates, Codecs and sound drivers. Now I can finally enjoy 1,2 LOUD and clear
  2. Hello guys, after two long days of trying to fix the problem on my own, I have to surrender. Maybe you can help me with my problem. Since the update to 1.2 I don't have any sounds in the game. First of all I will give you some information about my system and then I will show you what I have already tried to solve the problem: OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0 , Build 14393) Intel Core i5-4570 @ 3,20 GHz 8192 MB RAM Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 (2GB) Creative Soundblaster Play ( external USB Sound chip) ------------- What I have already tried: -checked that KSP is NOT muted in the windows sound balancer and sound chip software -checked KSP update is not corrupt ( I deleted the entire game and downloaded/installed it again) -tried 64 bit and 32 bit launcher -checked all settings ingame -updated all drivers ( sound chip / graphic drivers / direct X / windows update / etc) This is my KSP Log : ------------ All other games and sounds are working fine. Before the update to 1.2 there haven't been any problems with KSP or other games before. I checked the folder structure with a friend of mine who has no problems with the game (everything looks the same). Also in the log and loading screen of the game all sounds are loaded. When I start the game in window mode I guess there should be at least some green sound indication in my windows sound balancer during KSP main menu as there should be some background music, but there is no indication. Also during the game, no indication from the sound balancer which is set to 100%. Thanks in advance and I hope you can help me, so I can enjoy KSP Version 1.2 like many of you already do! Tim
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