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Everything posted by RASmith1030

  1. Hi, thanks for the response. I don't use goofey "imige.gur" or anything like that, so I can't post a screenshot, but it is not the fairing shell. The PROBE is STUCK to the spaceship, with no intervening structure holding it in place - just empty space. See the Diagram below: [----------------] [--------------------] Probe Rest of the Ship Nothing in between But, the two move in unison, like they are connected. But there is ONLY EMPTY SPACE in between.
  2. Hi Benjamin... Have you tried one of the Backup files? If you are doing Autosave Backups, you can pick one of the recent saves in the "Backup" folder of your Save Game. Just copy the file one level up and change the name from, for example "persistent (2017_11_30_21_03_54).sfs" to "persistent.sfs" (backup your old persistent file to "persistent.BACK", or some such). Good Luck! Rex
  3. Hello Friendly KSP Online Community, I am using an AE-FF2 Airstream Protective Shell (2.5m), and it will not release the attached probe. I have decided to edit the save file to try to free the probe, but before I take that drastic step, I would like to appeal to the community for help. Did anyone else out there have this issue? I tried to attach a screenshot, but I can't. The probe is just hanging there in space, invisibly attached to the Shell Plate. The separator I used is blown off, and wiggled its way out of the gap between the Probe and the Shell Plate. There is nothing joining the Probe to the Plate, but the probe moves in unison with the rest of the ship, as though it were still attached by some structural component. The funny thing is, I launched several probes using the exact same method without issue. Then, suddenly, this one became stuck. In any case, thanks for the help!
  4. Hi stk, To check if it is a mod, try disabling all mods and run ksp. If the cpu usage goes down, it is a mod. If it does not, something else is wrong. Good Luck!!
  5. Thanks for the reply!! I just started using Blender for mod making, does this mean I should switch to Unity3D?
  6. Hello Community, KSP is a great game, and I really enjoy it. However, I have been having a problem with the SDK. The part viewer will not work, every time I get an error: A Load Handler for this type file does not exist yet Has anyone else seen this issue? Thanks for the Support RAS
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