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Everything posted by Sybok

  1. This is how I set up my network: Is everything done right, it will work forever without losing the positions to each other. No extra mods are required (but KerbalAlarmClock is helpful). I use a carrying system with a set of 4 relays. The relays are all equal and that's important: Same weight and same fuel = same DeltaV. The Sepratrons are facing away from the remaining ship, otherwise the carrier would end up with a different orbit. The Stack Decoupler force is set to 0% for the same reason. Achieve circular orbit. No need to be too accurate here. Warp to Apoapsis, turn Prograde and activate the first relay. 2-3 orbits later it's time for the next relay and so on (always exact on the Apoapsis). The result is a system of 4 relays with identical orbits. Ok, it is not a beauty, but even after 12 years of time warp the system remains functioning and this was my main goal
  2. Tested my new Laythe shuttle service. And yes, this 'orb' can fly and achieve orbit
  3. I suffer from this problem too. It is very painful and my biggest issue with KSP by far! Bugs and some game crashes are not that big of a deal, but this stutter (~0,2s every 2s) ruining my whole game experience
  4. Yesterday I "built" a Kraken-drive by accident. Just tested some stuff on Eve and suddenly the Kraken attacked in a split-second. BOOM. Only the Tank survived the skirmish. WOW look at the speed "Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the FL-T800 Fuel Tank. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.." (Can u hear the music?) Conclusion: Do not use physical time warp on Eve
  5. Appreciate the feedback to my post thx Easier task today: An Asteroid-Base for Duna... and then I found this "diamond" Never saw an Asteroid like this before. It is glowing in the dark! The crew can read books in bed without flashlights now awesome
  6. Today I finished the construction of my Minmus Mining Operation. Part A (a few days ago): Part B: Put everything together: After just 8 more game crashes, ~3 Bugs and a workaround with HyperEdit : Maybe it was a bad idea to use the grabbing unit for this (Stock Parts only (except MechJeb))
  7. EDIT: OMG, a simple game restart solves the bug -.-' hi all, I have a big problem with the construction of my rockets in the new Version 1.2. It is easier to explain it with a simple example: Easy task: I want some landing struts on my ship. For a good alignment I activate the "snap" function. But this does not limit the positioning in the height. For this reason some struts are a little bit more up and some are a little bit more down..... very ugly How can I fix this? In the last Versions it was very easy with the "Move Tool": Just select the tool, activate "snap", select on one of the struts, try to move it in any direction and the object snapped even in the height. A few clicks later and everything was in a nice line. But this does not work anymore Any ideas? Thx
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