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  1. I played a while ago when it was in beta and just come back to it. It worked back then for sure. I tried re-installing just to be sure, but it's still not working. I also made a video and uploaded here: Hopefully that will give an idea as to what's up. It's easy enough to stop the spinning manually, but the SAS doesn't work. It kind of works initially, but then it stops. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for the reply. I've tried without rcs and the same happens but slower. The tutorial says to use the sas, so it should work, right?
  3. Hi, I'm having trouble getting SAS to work properly. I thought it was an error in construction, so I tried it in the orbiting 101 tutorial and it doesn't work there either. On both custom ships and in the tutorial, I can enable RCS and SAS, but if I select the stabilise option nothing happens. If I select the prograde setting, the RCS boosters power up and starts spinning the craft into a crazy spin. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks in advance!
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