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  1. will this mod support Kerbal Side GAP? It would be fun that having business flight on Gael
  2. Now, we have a complete comm system, a stable orbit space station , we can build our own space base on Mun and we have a lot really cool SSTO ! But space is really huge, i think if we can find some ancient artifact about Kerbals/Aliens , learn the history about them . Or finding other lifes include the cell form / Ancient DNA , digging some ancient fossil , it'll be really cool! Also we already have a lot of easter eggs in game, some of them just like ancient building of kerbals . We can use them to build a "Story" ! What do you guys think?
  3. Yes its not necessary now, but the other side that I still need it to access my old save lol . Maybe after a few updates, It should be moved to legacy
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