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Everything posted by UnknownKSPler

  1. "Jeb, climb into the capsule and ignore the fuel flow display." Jeb: "Uhh, are you sure?" "Well, I'm not, but Tarheel said it is ok." To be honest, I'm now feeling much more like a noob than ever before, I should have just ignored it and build my rocket as I used to do in older versions. Could have spared me a long wall of text here. ^^ Thanks Tarheel, Jeb is happily in Orbit around Kerbin, although he burned too much fuel on his way back and is now waiting for the rescue capsule to get him (and tons of science) home finally.
  2. Edit: Problem is solved. Hello all , I am not that new to KSP, but the last time I played was with version 0.90 (no mining resources, no new aerodynamics etc.) and I also still consider myself a noob with only ~170 flight hours, so I guess I could use some help and/or an explanaion of what is going on and what I am doing wrong, as it seems I don't understand the new fuel flow display/system somehow. I can't get the screenshots to be linked via the system here (probably because it's my first post and needs moderation), so I just put the links to them right into the text. FYI: I am playing vanilla KSP, no mods, advanced tweakables are on, and the decouplers in my screens are set to fuel crossfeed on. This is career mode on normal difficulty. Edit: also this is v1.2 So, I tried to design a simple Mun Lander with a bit more fuel for a Minmus Flyby after landing on the Mun. As you can see in this first picture, http://raventeam.de/resources/topsecret/ksp_fuelflow_withoutengines.png , the fuel flow is behaving wrong, at least that's what the display shows me. It goes from the right tank into the middle one and from there into the left one. That is without any engies underneath. With engines on the tanks (terrier for the outer tanks, Swivel for the core) the fuel flow still behaves this way, as can be seen here: http://raventeam.de/resources/topsecret/ksp_corelowprio_withengines.png I tried to fiddle around with the higher/lower priority settings, which doesn't seem to work, no matter if engines are under the tanks or not, also the staging doesn't seem to have to do with it. http://raventeam.de/resources/topsecret/ksp_corehighprio_withengines.png http://raventeam.de/resources/topsecret/ksp_corehighprio_withstaging.png I then put the fuel pipes onto the tanks, so it should flow from the outer tanks into the middle one. It seems to be ok and should work this way, but the display is still weird (to say at least). In these 2 pictures you can see the fuel flowing from the right tank into the middle one as if there were no pipes, and from the left one into the middle one it flows through the pipes. What's wrong with the pipes? http://raventeam.de/resources/topsecret/ksp_corehighprio_pipes.png http://raventeam.de/resources/topsecret/ksp_corehighprio_pipes_otherside.png Although this "pipe attempt" should work, I don't understand it, what am I doing wrong regarding those tanks, engines or whatever causes the fuel flowing from one outer tank into the middle and from the middle into the second outer tank, instead having the fuel flow from both outer tanks into the middle one? Or is this just a display error I should ignore (I don't think so)? Is it because of the tanks, are the tanks just wrong and not cappable of transferring fuel that way? If someone could please explain to me what is going on here and what's wrong with my setup, that would be nice.
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