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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. @Boris-Barboris Thank you so much for this.This mod is the only way I have found to get my x52 to work without any input lag.
  2. Yes it will! Sorry for not having a download available for so long. Update the download link the the main thread to spacedock now. You can also get it here. Modified MK22 IVA
  3. Modified MK22 IVA by speedio Description This is my modified IVA of the excellent MK22 Cockpits made by BDynamics It's main feature is the analog gauges from the ASET Avionics prop pack. I moved some of the instruments around from the original IVA made by BDynamics and added my own layout the way I prefer it when doing atmospheric flight. Dependencies BDynamics Mk22 Cockpits v1.0 ASET Props Pack ASET Avionics Pack RasterPropMonitor Module Manager Download spacedock.info Install instructions Copy the speedio folder into your GameData folder Credits BDynamics for the original IVA and the cockpit mod. alexustas for ASET Props and ASET Avionics. MOARdV for the Rasterprop monitor. sarbian for Module Manager. License CC BY-SA 2.0
  4. Much sadness. Thanks for the reply though. It's much appreciated! At least I can stop obsessing over it until we have a new version of part tools. Here's hoping we'll get them soon
  5. I'm also having this exact problem Has anyone found a way to load the mk1inline internal in unity? I really want to change this IVA but have not found a way to spawn it in unity A bit of a bump but my googling has not resulted in any more recent discussions on this subject.
  6. an idea for transmitting the pictures and the amount of science you get from them. Rather then giving less for sending a picture how about giving more science for higher resolution images and less for low resolution? High resolution would require more energy and time to transmit but gives the scientists on the ground more information. however if you send a low res image you get less science for less use of resources and time. For me it makes no sense that you would get less science for the same image if you send it from space or you copy it from the drive after the craft lands. I'm loving this mod so far and I'll keep my eye on it Keep up the good work and thank you!
  7. speedio


    Welcome to the forums The Plugins and Plugindata folders that come with some mods to into the root folder of ksp. (where you can already see a plugins and plugindata folder.) If you have a look at the Plugins folder that came with the mod you should see some dll files in there. One example would be Mechjeb that comes with MuMechLib.dll. Just put that file in the plugins folder. You do not need the Source folder to use any mods. This is something that we require the mod creators to provide when they release a mod with a plugin. This is so anyone can see what their code does.
  8. If you hold down the ALT key and left click on an item it will duplicate it. also, ctrl+z will undo something you did wrong.
  9. speedio

    Irc ?

    IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. It's possibly the earliest instant message system on the internet. It allows people to talk to each other in real time. Check this topic out for more info. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/8421-Check-out-our-new-IRC-Channel The simplest way to join us on IRC is to follow this link: http://client03.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23kspofficial&server=irc.esper.net&charset=windows-1251 Just fill in your name at that page an press go. And it will connect you to the channel. You can also use a dedicated IRC program that you run from your computer rather then a webclient. If you like hanging out in our IRC chan I recommend that you get one. Most are free. mIRC is a fairly popular one. Theres also xchat , pidgin (supports lots of other things as well.), and many more. Hope to see you there
  10. Docking is not implemented yet. And there are currently no mods that enable this. Best way to make a space station\mun base right now is to grab a mod that adds station parts then cheat to get it where you want it.
  11. Ah I understand. Sorry i can't be of help then. Maybe if you got your dad to download it for you?
  12. If your firewall is the problem I can't see why you can't disable it long enough to download?
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