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Everything posted by sn00by

  1. Yep, it seems to be RealPlume. Removed it from GameData and EVA works again as it should. Also the part highlighting seems to be correct again.
  2. Hi everybody! I have been playing KSP since...well... if I remember correctly, there was no mun at the time I started. Playing regular since short before 1.0 came out. I really do like the non violent aspect of the game (plus the space aspect. that's huge aswell). Its a pleasant variety to the games I normally play . This forum has been a huge help to me regarding my understanding of the game mechanics. So thanks to all of you. Greetings Chris
  3. I'm having the same problem. Craft in Orbit, trying to EVA, Error: Hatch is obstructed. I don't know what its causing it, but I found a workaround: rotate your ship until the hatch is facing the planet. In this position, EVA should work. If the hatch faces the opposite direction, there is no way I can EVA.
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