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  1. Yes, i was trying to get at the fact only cut scenes will only be played on special occasions like for example what Jovus said about landing on a new planet for the first time ect, And also, When you're waiting for the rocket to load up, A little cut scene would be played like them hauling the rocket out instead of looking at a black screen.
  2. I think it would be a brilliant idea for KSP if cut scenes were implemented into career mode, if you go onto the official KSP YouTube page there you will see a good few short cinemtatic animations in KSP. How this would work for example if the player accepts a contact to land on the mun then a short cut scene is played where the boss of KSP is planning to go to the mun. Then once the player has completed that goal then another cut scene is played where the boss congratulates you and then asks you to go to duna ect... I think this would enhance the player more into the game and give the game that extra immersion. Thanks for reading!
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