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  1. That's awesome. Definitely want to look into that; but I wanted the (self-imposed) challenge of planning it out; whilst its all new. Eventually, it will become "work" to plan out the science and that will be useful. Right now, its all new; so there's a lot of "discovery" .
  2. Maybe I'm missing something. Since you can store science data in the Mk 1 Command Module; why would I use this?
  3. Wow! Thank you. This should be on by default. Didn't even know it was there! Using it now...
  4. Wooo! Intense. I think this is stuff that makes KSP even MORE fun. You can get into a routine then BAM.
  5. Yes this happened to me. I saw the "cartoony little green men" and just passed on it.
  6. Hi, new here. First post and only played KSP a couple of weeks; but had to tell this story. Well. It just happened. Hours spent planning. Trying to combine 3 contracts into 1 mission. Its tight to pack all this into 1 ship. But, it seemed like I finally did it. Mun Flyby Activate "Thud" engine on escape trajectory Haul Hydraulic decoupler on escape trajectory Wish I recorded this one. I had many tests and failures; but finally had a design that was working. I did a lot of planning on this one. Calculating energy costs of transmitting data based on the antenna. Using KER for TWR and D-v. Verified antenna range for going to Mun. Wanted to maximize science so planned science moments using the Alarm mod to ensure I hit my marks. I also loaded a csv I found on the forums which lists Planet, Biome, Location, Type and then I created a csv for the atmosphere ranges on the different bodies, into SQLite and fed completed science into the tables. That way I could query that database with indicators as to where I'd be going, so I could plan which science was still available to do. Example query for this mission: select * from science s join altitude a on a.planet = s.Planet and a.name = s.Location where s.Planet in ( 'Kerbin','Mun') <= Encountering Kerbin and Mun and ( (s.Location in ('Lower Atmosphere','Upper Atmosphere','Near Space','Outer Space') AND biome = '') <== Needed records where there was no biome associated with the of the ground atmos as I did not know what would be below OR (location = 'Ground' AND biome = 'Launch Pad') <== Except for when on Launch pad on the ground OR (location = 'Lower Atmosphere' AND biome = 'Launch Pad') <== And in there air. Upper atmosphere has no Biome level with it (according to wiki) so this was not included ) and s.[%done] < 100 <== Exclude experiments completed and s.type in ('Mystery Goo','Crew Report','EVA','Barometer','Thermometer','Science Pod') <=== Limit experiments to what my current tech level makes available order by planet,biome desc,s.location ,type ; Here's my Mission scratch pad for science (group # represent the custom Action Groups number): KERBIN (Mystery goo is 90% compl on the LaunchPad on the Ground, but didn't want to haul another experiment just for the tiny extra) GROUP #1 alt 1000 (anything between 1 and 18k) Crew TRANSMIT Thermometer1 <-- Only need on Thermometer, since I have the chance to "get data" on EVA. Thermos completed stored 100% NO GROUP alt >18k <60k - while throttle = 0 EVA TRANSMIT GROUP #2 alt > 250k Crew TRANSMIT EVA TRANSMIT (RESET THERMO1) <-- Need this thermo for Mun Low Space reading Mystery Goo1 Mystery Goo2 MUN GROUP #3 alt 60k PLUS Crew Report TRANSMIT EVA TRANSMIT Mystery Goo3 Mystery Goo4 GROUP #4 alt <60k (EVA Didn't show here b/c I didn't query for any Mun Biomes and EVA is the only experiment that is Biome rather than Global for Space Low - but technically could do it.) Crew Report TRANSMIT Mystery Goo5 Science Pod <-- This was available at every level, but, I did not want to haul more than one, so I used the wiki to determine what would have the highest multiplier for science and Mun, Low Space was 3x Thermometer1 As you can see, I really went crazy planning this one (which is actually fun for me) Anyway. The mission was going flawlessly. Great gravity turn so we got a nice circular orbit with minimal D-v cost and got a great encounter that, using 1 maneuver, got us <60k alt on Mun AND sent us in a Kerbin Escape trajectory! Perfect; one burn and all remaining D-v was available to get out of escape velocity and return. After all was said and done, we still had something like 200D-v left, give or take, after burning to get back into suborbital Kerbin. And that's what happened; it was perfect. However, I burned retro and too soon. This dropped me abruptly into the atmosphere and upon arrival, way too fast w/o using SAS lock (so it was wobbling since there was a Science Pod and a storage section (for Goo and batteries)). Science Pod was facing retro, with heat shield, but, it was not enough, and the Pod exploded - taking the shield with it...after that...everything burned up with it - including the Command pod and Jeb. I sat in stunned silence as the burning pieces trailed off. I couldn't be angry; even though it was a failure; it was quite the exiting couple of hours. A learning experience AND (except for reentry) it WORKED! There's probably more, but can't remember and don't want to make this too long. Totally doing this again; fixing the reentry issues. Cheers, -z- P.S. Is it worth returning 5 mystery goos, 2 batteries, storage pod, and science pod or should one get all data then decouple them? P.P.S What do you guys use to record in game video
  7. Wait, what? I like both. Planning and calculations *is* really fun for me. I don't think there's a wrong way to play. If you're having fun, then its right.
  8. Strange finding. I first "heard" of it on Steam, whilst waiting for the release of No Man's Sky - so I was in for space exploration game mode. But, I looked at it, and gave it a brief read and judged it to be a silly, cartoony game that seemed to have no depth. Yet Another Colony game that would be better suited to a tablet. Yes, I know, I completely prejudged based on some aesthetics and not really reading about the game. It would pop up here and there in my feeds (should have been a clue that I would want the game - since it was using my past purchases to show me I might like KSP); so I remembered the name. But then, I was reading something, I think, in Reddit regarding Farming Simulator, and the guy said something like "While I like physics games, like such and such, such and such and Kerbal Space Program...". Whoah, what? KSP is a physics simulator? So, I looked it up. I reread the description - and thought, this can't be right - I already judged this game. They must mean physics estimates; I'm sure this game is dumbed down for the masses. So, I seeked out YouTube Let's plays; I found quill18 as he was running 1.2 pre update (so very recent video, I wanted to see the latest version) Before the video was over, I was purchasing on Steam - and as luck would have it, it was on sale. I like it so much, I might just buy another copy straight from the Kerbal store just as an extra thanks. I remember my initial searches for it was yielding: 10/10 Steam 96% PC Gamer 88% Metacritic 9/10 IGN SOLD! Edited spelling
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