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Everything posted by geschnetz

  1. I think you should add a consumer like a microwave rectenna. Without a consumer you don’t get the highest output displayed. Maybe this is the problem.
  2. Thank you for the fast reply! Of course i have installed the KER Mod. I think without it, it is a real challenge! Ok, i see what you mean. I have tried it and i think it is a stable orbit. At least the orbital period and the orbital velocity are the same. So i hope that they will stay in that position. Thank you very much for this workaround! But i would be very happy to solve the problem or to know how to avoid this bug... btw: With an electrical engine lowered to 0,5% of thrust it is really easy to get an orbit which is to the exact meter identical to another vehicles orbit. With 4 relay satellites in a 2,500.00 km orbit, it was a 1h work. Nothing difficult or impossible (if this annoying bug doesn't appear).
  3. Hello to the KSP community! I had done an intense search in this forum, but i can't find anything about my problem. So i hope i don't miss a post where this has been already discused. If so, i have to apologize in advance. So here we go: I wanted to install a mircowave power network. So i tried to put satellites in the exact same orbit. In this case 300,000m above kerbin. But if it comes to the exact meter i discovered that if i start the time warp my altitude jumps and changes. In the normal time mode everything is stable. It is impossible to get an exact orbit because of this problem. At first i thought it is because some parts clips into each other, so i have build a satellite where no parts are clipping. Nothing changes. But this anomalie happens not everytime. For example, the relays dont jump around. There it was no problem to put 4 of them into the same orbit. What do i wrong? The vehicle contains of course parts of the interstellar extended mod. Game version is 1.1.3. Does anyone knows something about that?
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