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Posts posted by barophobicTurtle

  1. 6 hours ago, Thrimm said:

    That sounds great! Thank a lot for contributing - if you're willing to share I'll include them in the future update and credit you for them obviously.

    Sure!  Here is a link for them that should...  probably work.

    Here's also a link to the half-scale version of the mod, if you or anyone else wants to try using that.  It's still a little WIP, like i mentioned, and note that it isn't compatible with the normal version because i haven't renamed all of the files and folders so the game will get confused if you have both installed.

  2. Hi!  Nice work on the mod, etcetera!

    I tossed together some configs for compatibility with a few other mods, if you want to use them.  They are:

    1. USI-LS. Gave it a space to store Supplies, a built-in recycler, and hab-time bonuses, all enough to last for a ~110 day trip to mars, if fully loaded with 104 kerbals.  The recycler is a liiittle bit overpowered, but it kinda has to be in order to avoid eating into the delta-v budget to an unreasonable degree.

    2. KIS.  Gave the ship a large storage space on the inside, and the tanker a slightly less large one.  The problem is that with this many kerbal seats, the right-click menu doesn't actually fit on the screen because KIS wants to give all of them their own inventories.  Not sure if there's a way to get around that.

    3. SMURFF.  Just a tiny file to make SMURFF ignore the spaceships, booster fuselage, and engines.

    They probably aren't perfectly balanced, but afaict they hit roughly the performance levels that they should.  (though i admit i haven't played with KIS much, suggestions welcome there)

    (I also made a modified version of your cfgs that half-scales everything (6m diameter, 28 kerbal seats) so i could have a somewhat more kerbal-scale ITS (and so it would actually fit in the VAB :P) but i might need to play with the drag numbers- if it's empty it practically floats down to the ground at 100m/s once it gets through reentry.  That could totally be one of the other mods i have installed screwing things up, though.  Needs further testing.)

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