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Everything posted by thejoshua79

  1. I was looking through the debug window and couldn't find the orbit setting? Do i need a mod for this? Thanks for the response.
  2. I was editing the save file for my game, so that a craft was auto placed into orbit. However when I then enter the game, the save files are gone and i can't access them. I have backups but I would like my craft in orbit and don't just want to revert the saves. Have I done something wrong that has messed up the code? I changed these parameters: http://pastebin.com/A0feEe3S
  3. I was editing the save file for my game, so that a craft was auto placed into orbit. I changed these parameters: sit = ORBITING landed = false landedAt = SMA = 700000 ECC = 0 INC = 180 LPE = 340.518331561772 LAN = 81.2190688665883 MNA = 2.11222363842244 EPH = 39.9399991072715 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 So that then my craft would be orbiting. However when I then enter the game, the save files are gone and i can't access them. I have backups but I would like my craft in orbit and don't just want to revert the saves. Have I done something wrong that has messed up the code?
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