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Posts posted by Mihaeagle3

  1. 13 hours ago, AndyChilly said:

    Thought I'd come back and see what people have been saying....oh...nothing.

    'Early next year' was the phrase I believe. So here we are in March, on the approach to the end of the first quarter. anyone know of any news yet?

    I have to say, I have yet to experience save data loss on my original science career (but have lost other careers that were started after the first update) but then, i've not been particularly active in releasing more science. I stick to my rules of not having too many vehicles saved and any unused/ redundant vehicles are decommissioned. However, this does not stop me feeling completely on edge about losing my data. 

    When I bought KSP on the Xbox i was completely new to it, having only seen Scott Manley videos before that. But my understanding of how spaceflight works has increased so much and the improvements i have made on my rocket designs have made me so proud that i'm genuinely terrified that I will lose my creations. I have my first flags planted in the Mun and Minmus and I have my first one way unmanned landers on each body. Those I will not be deleting as I love to go back to them and remember how proud I was of myself on those first moments of touching down.

    If someone could update me that they are still working on things at least then I will be a happy man. It has still been worth the money in my opinion. I have had so much fun and learnt so much. but I would love the issues to be resolved finally.

    I'm anxiously awaiting a console update and sale before buying this game again. But I totally understand the delay and it honestly wouldn't shock me if they release it later this year. I read somewhere recently that there's nearly 4 million lines of code for this game or something.  I can imagine bringing in a new team to take over console then go through all that would be a pain but I know it'll be worth the wait

  2. 3 hours ago, MrBrownstone said:

    Guys, it's SQUAD time to do something definite, sign this petition and let's try something happen


    Maybe you have missed some of the news lately, but they have been doing definite things.  They sacked FTE and have brought Blitworks on board to take care of the console side now. This is a rather large transition and will probably take some time. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Athesen said:

    I've also created a profile just to respond to this thread. I've too abandoned the PS4 game. I played the game so much after I bought it that my wife told others not to buy it lest they get hooked like I did. I had landed on the Mun and Minmus and was working on a Mun base when my game crashed for good the last time. My request for a refund from Squad was rebuffed (the message was essentially, "we have your money, so you're stuck with our broken game"), and my request for a gift card to purchase the game for my mac (which can easily run the game and I ALREADY OWN THE GAME so they haven't lost anything) was completely ignored. It's now been several months since my request and nothing's been done. I only hope this gets patched soon, as this is hands-down my worst gaming experience with any company. 

    did you try taking this up with sony/playstation store?  I assumed squad/flying tiger weren't going to give me a refund so I went straight to microsoft to get mine

  4. 22 hours ago, chimpbone said:

    I have asked Microsoft for a refund three times now with no success. Not sure what you told them, but I have told them about the game breaking issues and they seem very indifferent to the situation. I have also never asked for a refund for a video game, but that didn't seem to matter to them. 

    The Microsoft support wasn't even aware that there was an issue with the game. I asked them if there was a record of people reporting the game breaking bugs, and they said no. That is clearly not true, because I have asked them for a refund because of this game breaking save issue for months now. When they told me I couldn't get a refund, I asked them to contact the developer and press them about fixing the issue, which I assume they never did. 

    Sony hasn't done anything about the broken KSP either. Nobody seems to care anymore, especially the people who already made money on this shady transaction. They don't want to do the right, honest thing and issue refunds, because that would mean making less money. I would be surprised if this game ever gets "finished" on console. 

    I saw it as they had 2 options:

    1. Fix the game

    2. Issue refunds

    But Squad and Flying Tiger came up with a third option: 

    Don't fix the game or issue refunds. 

    After 5 months, they have had plenty of time to do the "right" thing. If they were going to fix the game or issue refunds, they would have done it by now. To be honest, whatever they do short of issuing refunds wouldn't be enough for me. I have no interest in playing this game on console any more. I deleted KSP off my hard drive a couple weeks ago. What a disappointment this game turned out to be. I was looking forward to this game for over a year, and it turned out to be the worst game I have played in a long time. Good job Squad. 

    I really don't know how I got so lucky.  It seems to be a common consensus that microsoft isn't giving out refunds but it worked for me first try.  maybe it was my rather extremely displeased tone, but the main question I was asked was "is the developer well aware of these issues" and I said yes and went on a tangent and said microsoft should not allow this to be sold on the store because it is a broken game without any effort from devs.  I may have used more colorful language but I sure as hell let them know how displeased I was and pitied the fact microsoft actually let this be certified.  few minutes later I had the refund in my account.

    I really do wish I could help others get their refunds but I don't know what else to do :(

  5. On 11/4/2016 at 8:42 PM, Jumba83 said:

    I never said that I was actively pursuing a refund.  I was stating that they are not offering one as they should.  In addition, seeing that I bought the game on the Playstation Network, I doubt that Microsoft would be terribly sympathetic towards my plea for a refund.

    words r hrd and I cant red good


    but yeah I see what you mean now that I reread your post.  you're spot on, they should be offering refunds.  this game is broken and the lack of clear communication has really not made things any better.  Im sure microsoft would love to hear your case ;P

  6. 9 hours ago, OccupyDuna said:

    I just tried to get a refund but the Microsoft rep told me that games can't be refunded after release? When did you purchase the game, and what category did you choose on the support page? Thanks.

    I purchased it right after it released.  Im not sure why they are not letting others have their refund, but I plead the case of the game being broken with no fix in sight and having been very unsatisfied with microsoft letting this broken game be released on the market and the person I was chatting with said 1 sec and few minutes later a ticket for my refund. they're usually very responsive to customers that are upset.  keeping in mind, I did this after essentially wasting 5-6 hours and I sure let them know that, and that it was not the first time that had happened

  7. 8 hours ago, cujo8400 said:

    I am frustrated as well but I need this game. I waited so long for the port and as soul-crushing as it has been, I have still experienced gaming moments that nothing else has compared to. I believe that eventually, things will be sorted out and I would just end up re-buying it anyway. For those reasons, a refund just isn't for me; although I certainly understand those who feel differently.

    and props to you, I admire your patience.  I do plan on hopefully buying it again one day when all the issues get ironed out, and hopefully by then, the price may have dropped.  but for now, it is just too much for me.  I've enjoyed the game thoroughly when (read: if) it works, but the fact it did not more times than it worked well is the reason for my refund. 


    that and the fact the achievements are bugged and thats the main reason I got the game on console in the first place

  8. I hit my caving point tonight after wasting 5 hours to have kraken take my two missions to the grave tonight.  I immediately went to microsoft to ask for refund, and within 10 minutes, after explaining the game has been broken for me since day 1 due to well known issues, they refunded my account completely. 

    There may or may not be an update coming but I hit my breaking point personally.  For those of you also frustrated as I am, I suggest doing the same.  It is quick and easy.  for those of you that want to wait it out: props to you and your patience, and hope they fix all the issues soon so yall can enjoy the game as it is supposed to be

  9. On 10/31/2016 at 8:44 PM, Jumba83 said:

    I respect your opinion and position, but if you truly want to be done with this conversation you can simply stop participating.  You have made some statements and claims that some people find it difficult with which to agree, so you can hardly be surprised that people will interested in voicing their own opinions.

    For instance, you suggest that console owners should simply go out and buy the PC version to play the game while the console versions are being fixed.  After having spent $40 to buy a broken game, from a company that isn't offering refunds, why would I go out and give another $40 to the same company to get something that actually works?  I bought the console version simply because I prefer playing on the console over playing on my PC.

    The crux of this issue, however, is the lack of updates on progress for a fix.  You claim that you are sure they are working on it, but what evidence do you have that demonstrates this?  All Squad is telling us is that they are working on it, there is no mention whatsoever of specifics.  If my boss told me that one of my projects was broken and unusable and that I needed to fix it, how long would I be able to get away with saying "don't worry, I'm working on it" before he would start asking for more details?  A week?  Maybe two?  If I kept it up for nearly four months, I'm fairly certain that it wouldn't fly.  Why, then, should Squad be able to get away with it?  If your response is that the responsibility really lies with FTE, then I must disagree.  FTE has clearly shown themselves to be unequal to the challenge of porting this game.  Squad, however, has done nothing to rectify the situation.

    you may not be pursuing the right parties for a refund....I got tired of playing a broken game and waiting endlessly for an update and after a game breaking glitch x 2 tonight, I had enough so I asked for a refund from microsoft stating the game has been broken for 5 months with only 1 useless update and they are well aware of the issues and I had a refund in 10 minutes.  It literally took me longer to sign up and post on here than it did to get the refund

  10. so I signed up just to post this:

    For my fellow console KSP owners (at least on xbox):  just ask for a refund.  I finally did it today after having to battle through multiple issues and eventually failing two missions at once due to Kraken rubbish.  The game has been out for what, 5 months with only one update which did not fix anything?  Im usually pretty patient but I just had to give up on this game.  FTE may be working to get 1.2 to console, but given the lack of updates and poor release, I just decided it was time to give up hope on console KSP ever being a solid product.

    it was surprisingly easy too.  I got on the microsoft support page, text chat a nice lad named Ivan, told him this game had been out for 5 months with only one patch which didnt fix many issues for me, FTE has kept us in the dark, and I would like a refund. within 10 minutes, I had said refund.


    So I strongly suggest all console players that are tired of dealing with this as I was, to just to the same.  It took less time to get the refund than to sign up and post this.

    for those console players (if there are any) that aren't having issues and enjoy the game, Im glad the game works well for you

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