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  1. That solved it! The first time I used it, one of my modules exploded, but that's because I fastened the wrong thing After using the strut on the panels themselves, the problem was fixed! They're a bit lopsided now but at least they're not moving around Thank you, Prince of the Yolkfolk o.o
  2. Hey folks! I've encountered a very interesting bug - I made my first space station (was a good few days' work! But it's up in orbit now \/), and on it, I included two solar panel modules. They're a simple design, with four parallel sets of 1x6 OX panels, and two 2x3 OX panels on the side, but there's a problem - once extended, they sit fine for a while, but then they just start spazzing out! It's quite crazy and amusing at the same time I have no idea what's causing this, it happens with SAS on or off, there are reaction wheels and HECS command modules on the modules, and even when detached, the modules will just fly off into space spazzing out to the point where they turn into a magic chaos ball (click for gif here - doesn't want to embed into the post). It only happens with extended panels - it doesn't happen when they are still retracted. Note that these gifs were all made at normal speed Now, while this bug is amusing, I do like my space stations stationary, so I was wondering if anyone has any insight on what might be causing this bug, so I can avoid doing that in the future for now, I will be replacing my solar panel modules with retractable ones, as I have the suspicion that, if it were possible with these ones, retracting the panels would stop the magic oscillation.
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