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Everything posted by DizzyBHigh

  1. Thanks for taking the time to Reply Snark. I have restarted from a base save just before the mission launch, and restarted the mission. all seems to be ok up till now, have 2 saves one for the LKO and another for the LMO. The crew are still there when I load those saves. I've had multiple attempts at the mission, and many reverts back to VBA to add various bits and pieces, Reaction Wheels, extra Monopropellant and other stuff. To be honest it's probably not a bug and me just being too quick to relaunch, without checking if the crew was on board before launching. I've added it to my "don't be stupid" prelaunch checklist.
  2. Hi there Ive just come across a weird issue. I have 2 tourist missions a total of 6 Kerbals 4 of which want to land on the Mun, theres various other objectives split between the 6 Kerbals as well. Kerbin Sub-Orbital trajectory, Kerbin Orbit, Fly by Mun, Orbit Mun etc. I was on the mun with all the objectives complete, except returning back to kerbin. Since then i have loaded in my save (both quick and named) and i don''t have any Kerbals on board anymore! Now it shows all the objectives as not completed. I'm on the mun and the 4 kerbals are gone not in the Hitchhicker Container anymore! the mission says they haven't landed on the mun. or completed any of the objecives. Does anyone know how this happened, how to prevent it from happening, I have a mod Capcom - Mission Control on the GO Does anyone know if that mod causes conflicts? Do i have to do the whole mission in one go without saving?
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