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Everything posted by Wiregauge

  1. Ok what this means is:- A. KSP only saves Group Action Set Name with complete rockets not sub assemblies B. The names do follow the sub assemblies when separated from the rocket.Same name on all sub assemblies on that rocket. C. So I have to send each sub assembly on a separate rocket can’t mix. Test:- 1. I name the Group Action Set Name for the Rocket, which is saved ok. 2. Add a sub assembly ,names remain the same and programming is added to correct set. 3. Remove the sub assembly, names remain the same and programming for sub assembly is removed , which is good and works well. I can see why the names can’t follow the sub assembly . You wouldn’t want the sub assembly set names to change the completed rocket.? But you do want the sub assembly names when you separate from the rocket. It would be good if you could have a set for sub assembly, which follow it. And another set for the rocket. So when you separate you can see each sub assembly names when you take control of it. Thanks to all for your input.
  2. Thats right Group Actions under Actions tab . Set 1 can be edited to change the name.
  3. Hi All, I save a sub assembly with Set Names, to my liking. If I reload it , names still there ok. I load subassembly into a Rocket and the names dissappear? I tried undocking and select subassembly , names did not return. Go back to VAB select new page and Subassembly names missing? Any ideas. Does this happen to you. V1.7.2.2556 V1.1.0 B.Ground V1.7.1 M.History
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