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Posts posted by AlfFromKerbin

  1. On 2/13/2024 at 12:28 PM, Aelfhe1m said:

    You need to connect an RTS1 from one vessel to a JS-1 on the other using an EVA kerbal before you can transfer resources between them. This is demonstrated in this video linked in the OP.

    Thx for that hint :valhappy:

    One other thing, would i need KIS for appropriate icons of KAS parts in the stock storage containers (i only see an "i" there)?

  2. I used this mod some years ago and liked it. Since KSP 1.12.5 still cannot tranfer fuel between 2 separate vessels i wanted to use it again. I built a test for lunchpad, attached a JS-1 Joint Socket but i have no idea where to find that Transfer GUI or anything related to KAS except the parts attached or put into inventory. Nothing inside the properties using engineer in EVA right clicking on the JS-1.

    Any clue?

  3. Using the latest Version of KSP, Tracking Station Evolved 7.2.0 (from CurseForge) and 7.0 (from Spacedock) doesn't seem to work. The list is just empty. Maybe interesting that the "Tracked Objects" button went a bit down.

    Tested without Mods, but i tend to use ClickThroughBlocker, ToolbarControl and PreciseNode, which seem to work, no change to TSE.

    Any idea? Did i miss something?

    Edit: I just wondered that in Steam current version is 1.10.1, might that be an issue (additionally i only have Breaking Ground)?

    Hmpf... i still had an old Beta setting active :wacko:


  4. 20 hours ago, Diazo said:

    Can you check that you have ModuleManager installed?

    Well, that was it. Now i can access my defined actions. Now i have to find out how to view them :wink:


    Edit: Think i got it now. Was confused because actions defined without mod, weren't recognized by the mod inflight (no green buttons and "no actions available" in list).

    Edit2: Autohide won't work for me, no matter at what screen edge i move the window to.

    Edit3: I removed AGX, because it's producing delays of ~1sec placing or taking parts in SPH (didn't check VAB). Too bad ;.;

  5. I searched for a way to let me see my actiongroup bindings and wow, i found this. One question i have (answer maybe hidden in all that text before), is it possible to "import"/use the already given assignments to actiongroups in vanilla to the mods one?

    I tried the mod, but it doesn't "know" about already assigned actiongroups on a vessel inflight. I could not reassign them again with the mod, because i have stacked parts (hell to click 10 parts sharing 1 space :wink: ).

  6. Seems it has some problems with asteroid encounter planning when it needs to round kerbin >60 days. I.e. i get a node with close encounter set, coming in 30 minutes, in fact it should be some around 60 days.

    Having a node coming in 30 minutes and increasing count of orbiting by xx to 60 days, it switched back to 30 minutes (see my bugreport http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/13310 which isn't a bug of KSP but of PM).

    Might be because it's coming to initial intersection, but which wasn't correct and also couldn't set more than 60 days, which i'd have needed.

    Btw. i might add, when switching to a craft with a node and want to adjust it by panel, it's throwing a NullReferenceException[...] until i clicked on the original KSP node gizmo, then it's ok again.

    Running Linux64.

  7. On 17.11.2016 at 5:21 PM, kball said:

    Rebuilt for 1.2.1 and fixed a minor bug.

    I'm afraid the current implementation might not work under Linux, but I don't have a Linux system to debug it.

    Would love to know if anyone has successfully installed and used the plugin on Linux.

    As i understand, there must be an object which isn't initialized or set to "Null" intentionally. Would it be "easy" possible to implement a check of objects of beeing "Null" before using them and shout that found "shouln't be Null" to the console? Lets say as a "test/debug for linux" version, so i could provide you with some kind of remote debugging. :)

  8. Oh i really looked forward for such possibilities. I'm tired of checking the whole list of MNVs regulary without any sorting/filtering.

    Any chance for an update for KSP 1.2.1? I tried the one for 1.2pre, which doesn't work.

    When in tracking station, console is flooded with things like (copied out of KSP.log):

    [EXC 02:34:26.793] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        FatHand.ManeuverQueue.GetTrackedVessels ()
        FatHand.ManeuverQueue.get_defaultVessels ()
        FatHand.ManeuverQueue.VesselsSortedByNextManeuverNode ()
        FatHand.ManeuverQueue.get_vesselsSortedByNextManeuverNode ()
        FatHand.ManeuverQueue.get_guardedVessels ()
        FatHand.ManeuverQueue.Update ()

    Btw., i'm running Linux 64bit. Would love to have such a mod :wink:

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