Been playing KSP 1.2 for a while with no issues. On a current design of a rocket I have, some of the struts that overheat and break about 30 secs into that stage and upon doing this, my computer instantly shuts down and black screens like the power have been cut off. I have successfully used this design where the struts overheat and break without issue but now it crashes ever time without failure. I have been testing with many other more demanding games and even tried overclocking gpu and cpu to replicate the results on any other game - no success. Performance of my computer isn't an issue, running 3 screens at 1920x1080 @ 60hz, with my gpu and cpu only being used 60% to do so. Using Gtx 970, Intel i5 4570, 16GB ram @ default clock speeds
Any ideas? open to trying things to fix this and all help is appreciated