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  1. Sure, I can't do anything atm because I dont have my PC with me. I will be back with the screenshots in 8-10 hours or so
  2. The 1.9 version. In the previous version I had the complete textures of the IVA's OPT K and OPT J
  3. @stali79 It didn't fix the problem, I still have missing textures inside all of the cockpits (OPT)
  4. @stali79https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5Jrce9eOi8pRW5Sd1Q3ZmlHbUk
  5. @Ohm Machre That is exactly what I did and replaced the OPT file, and it didn't work
  6. @JadeOfMaar I installed the version from the curse website (the non-legacy one) although I got more parts I think some of them are missing as I can see from the posted screenshots. And by the OPT K's bigger brother I was meaning the cockpit and the fuselage of that alien ship you built. Plus, the textures are missing from all of the cockpits
  7. Hello again @JadeOfMaar! I did as you said so and I indeed got some more parts, but I am still missing some of them, like the two bigger brothers of the OPT K and some engines. I did install the non-legacy version, can you tell me what I did wrong? Thanks!
  8. Hello @JadeOfMaar! I was wondering where did you get the extra cockpits since I only have the OPT J and OPT K cockpits and fuselages. Could you please help me? Thanks!
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