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Everything posted by marcus.1178

  1. Thank you very much purpletarget. In the physics.cfg there are tables for DRAG_TIP, ... and so on. They have 4 columns: what does the different column mean? It says that x is "Mach" and y is "multiplier". What about the third and fourth value? Are they used for inter/extrapolation?
  2. Hello there, I plan to program some simple software to optimize the start/orbiting of rockets in some optimal way. At the moment it works somehow, but I have some questions: 1) How can I accurately calculate the drag? Can I just use the formula of http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Atmosphere#Drag with an appropriate constant or does the drag also depend on the Mach number (as in reality). 2) Does the specific impulse ISP for a specific rocket engine depend only on the (static) pressure? 3) Which functions of the API can be used to determine the current thrust/drag? Thanks for your help. Best wishes Marcus
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