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  1. thanks, I am looking into why its using 2 module managers, and ill be sure to try and remove said mods too. I will let you know
  2. here is the output log https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxaqQx5XqbNpQ0lYZ0l1UFhaMW8 These are the mods I have installed https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxaqQx5XqbNpR1EyNkFwWVJTcTg/view?usp=sharing As for system specs they are as follows, Intel Core i7, 16GB of memory, nvidia GTX970M These seem like the most important specs but I can give more if needed
  3. So I this issue with the game crashing at seemingly random intervals. Sometimes it'll crash within a half hour of starting and other times it could be upwards of hours before it crashes but it does usually always crash. I rarely have to quite my self. Now I know that it could be the memory issue that usually causes most crashes when using mods but the logs say I'm using less than 50% of the memory. I am unable to understand the rest of the log but I have attached the most recent crash report if anyone wants to take a look and try to help me understand what my be going on. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxaqQx5XqbNpeWFmUGlPSVY1SlU/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxaqQx5XqbNpN0FLMC0tYmdxV3M/view?usp=sharing
  4. I don't think there is a best way to do it but what I like to do is load up the largest tank I can and get it to the station, I always find that the worst case scenario is that I have to tap into the fuel supply if I don't have enough to finish the journey. Then what I do is when send another mission I try to send it with extra fuel and transfer the extra to the station. I would also recommend building a station in orbit of kerbin just to get the hang a building one and to get a technique and design scheme you like.
  5. Thanks for the help, I don't know why I did not think of that I feel kind dumb for not realizing it to begin with but thank you and it worked out just how I wanted.
  6. Here is my issue. I use smart A.S.S to help with my launches because it can keep everything how I want it a lot easier and I have used it with this rocket/space-plane for several equal-lateral orbits just fine but when I try to use it to launch into a polar orbit I start adjusting the pitch in the mechjeb window but instead it pitiching front to back like I would expect it starts pitching left to right which would put it into an equal-lateral orbit if the launch didn't fail for obvious reasons. I can't seem to figure out why it is doing what it is doing. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNLmlXg0zgqf-j0tYEsiXYKsMXRAXvtPGdgZ9Z6gMkv_Bd8B8G80UlKxrSF49kgGw?key=OG1JSzlJUDdwcklKWU9IbS04ZEFkSk5rYmU3ZE93 Two photos to hopefully help
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