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Everything posted by Lurchgs

  1. in reverse order: absolutely. I no longer have issues grabbing the wrong handle on the maneuver node. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Re the click-through/switch target. I've the same problem, though I've never had it switch targets. I'll be merrily adjusting a vector or time (left/right click on button) and my target will just up and vanish. Deselected. Unset. I've checked, and there's been nothing but space under my PN window. Ive PN, Mechjeb, and planetshine installed, no other mods Lurch
  2. i think my issue is related. Oh, the rename option works. mostly. What I've got is not a bug, so much, as one of those petty things that - at least for us mortals - is merely annoying. As I said, right-clicking on my ship allows me to rename it, no problem. I can even change its type. While not in the VAB. This is a thing of goodness. Where the spot of ketchup on the linen hides is that when you land and recover the ship, the type that was selected goes away. Next time you call it out, the name has stuck, but the type has reverted. As I said, it doesn't appear to be a bug. It doesn't really affect game play, but for OCD types, this is frustrating.
  3. Ok, I've made this request at other MOD writers. Some of us Kerbinauts have a bit of an issue seeing certain colors. For instance, I have to use Navball Adjuster so I can re-color the damn Pink icons on the navball. Can't see them at all. Well, now I can. Thank you! I have a similar problem with the Maneuver Node "proposed orbit" - the vector lines coming out of a node, particularly when changing orbits - say, to the Mun. I'm told tis a nice green line. I can't see it on my computers. I can make do by following the AP/PE flags, but that's a pain. Therefore, I'd love to see the ability to adjust orbit / vector line colors, either added to something like Navball Adjustor, or as a separate Mod. Thanks in advance!
  4. I have a request for future versions. Some of us Kerbinauts have a hard time seeing some of the orbit (technically, I think, VECTOR) lines related to the Maneuver Node. I'd LOVE to see these adjustable as the navball icons are (for which I offer up my first born in thanks - there was no way on God's little green earth I could see the pink icons)
  5. I have an additional request for the next iteration of PN: Some of us out here are either colorblind/color deficient, or our machines are doing something odd. I probably fit into both categories, given my history of annoying electronic devices. I'd like to see a color editor / intensity adjust for the node's proposed vector. I'm told this is normally a green line - on my laptop, I see nothing. The only way I can tell where my orbit goes is by checking the proposed Apiopsis/Periopsis node flags. I can work with this, but it would suit my sense of esthetics better if I could actually see the proposed orbit change before I fire off my rear-facing spitwad shooter. (something akin to "Navball Adjuster", just as a flaming example) Many thanks are attached to this message. Please don't get them sticky
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