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  1. im coming from minus thats y my orbit is so big firstly i got down my ship to 60 and i tried to spin normal to radial , yeah speed decreased a little bit but nope everything exploded, except my pilot surviving. second , i tried to spin from retrograded to normal, same thing happened , ship exploded. i cant even transfer my crew to another ship , i guess only way out is by a claw, that's gonna take ages for the science. Sigh is there a possibility that i can attach airbrakes to my ship from orbit? My tourist doesn't EVA only my pilot does and i guess you cant do a ship to ship crew transfer as well.
  2. I tried what you said but i dont have enough fuel to circularizee so i made it till 60k-300k still my parachute is heating and not deploying , i just crash and die.
  3. Yes i am playing unmodded. I have not tried pointing to the normal reentry , hope i will succeed in it. I do not have any means to reduce the mass of my vechile , i totally forgot about adding a decoupler to the engine as well . Sigh her is the pic of my ship http://imgur.com/a/YLrkV Thank you
  4. I have four tourist on board and while coming back to kerbine i found out i dont have heat shield , firstly the engine overheated and exploded some how everybody survived but secondly my parachute doest deploy beacuse of overheating . i do not know what to do know, i need help , please http://imgur.com/a/YLrkV Edit: http://imgur.com/a/jxx31 Map view. As you can see my path(v at peri is 3000m/s in this path) , if i could get my orbital speed to 1500 somehow from this path i have i could make it. I tried circularising and my periapses speed is still at 2500m/s so i still crash and burn , somehow if i could get my speed to 1500 or less i would survive . I even tried to angle the normal and yeah the speed decreases but everything overheats and explodes. Sigh Edit: My current engine is a terrier. Air braking from this engine takes a lot of time . Sigh Also i do have a last save where i am orbiting minus .with a lot of fuel. Any ideas? Q: Would i get a slower orbital speed if i hop from minus to mun then to kerbin? https://mega.nz/#fm/YB4xCKDZ This is my save game file , the toorbitminus file is saved from flight from mun to minus with a manuver to orbit minus . correct the manuver to a position for efficent way back to kerbin (i didnt try hoping back to kerbin from minus to mun) and do the science stuff in contracts as well from minus also eva for science from minus , and get back to kerbin somehow from minus . the trying save file is flight orbiting kerbin for reentry. have fun.!!
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