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Posts posted by ASCIInerd73

  1. 12 minutes ago, Quoniam Kerman said:

    It does not even work for the experiments set after the mod install in the same save.

    Have yet to try to create an other game from the beginning to check.


    Seems that science cluster functions by celestial body. So every other instruments that you set on the same celestial body than the first ones, (for example the Mun in my case) will have the same issue.

    And the science cluster seems to be applied by the science control station.

    One cumbersome fix you could apply is to delete the science stations on the said celestial body and install new ones either with a new mission or with hyperedit or whatever teleportation cheat you may have at your disposal.

    Is this in KSP 1.7.3? If so, could you check ScienceTimeDelay value for each such experiment you have in your save and reply with the values?

  2. 17 hours ago, AlexinTokyo said:

    Ten thousand million thanks.  From me.

    Twenty thousand million thanks.  From my mouse button.


    EDIT: It seems this will solve the issue for _new_ science clusters - if you want to reduce the spam from existing clusters in a save, you'll need to edit the same line in the persistent file as well.

    Yeah, that's a known thing. I should probably make a note of that in the original post.

  3. Notification spam is no longer an issue with KSP 1.8. Therefore, this mod will not be updated. Do not post asking about KSP 1.8, as this mod's functionality is handled by the stock game in that version.


    Github Repo

    Tired of the spam of notifications resulting from using the new surface experiments in the new expansion?

    I was. So I made this mod which decreases the rate of notifications for those experiments to once per Kerbin day, which eases up the spam.

    To Install

    Download the latest version of Module Manager and install it. Then, download the latest version and unzip it into the GameData folder of your copy of KSP.


    This mod only changes the rate for experiments which are deployed after you install the mod. To change for already deployed experiments, you need to open your persistent.sfs file and change the value under ScienceTimeDelay for each such experiment.

    EDIT (9/22): I am getting some complaints that this mod seems to no longer work for some people. I will try to figure out what is happening as soon as I can; in the meantime, you may need to manually adjust the ScienceTimeDelay in your persistent.sfs for every science experiment you put down.

    EDIT (10/16): It has been alleged that ksp 1.8 fixes this bug. This will, therefore, likely be the end of this mod.

  4. I have an idea for a new feature: Would it be possible to allow users to override it's controls forcing you to only install compatible mods? Many mods don't update their mod data to add compatibility to new patch releases of the game, so there are many mods which work perfectly well in 1.4.3 but can't be installed through CKAN because they only officially support up to 1.4.2/1.4.1/1.4.0. I understand not letting users install without some sort of override because of incompatibility issues, but this would make it more useful for installing mods.

  5. I can't get CKAN to install Deadly Re-Entry correctly. Whenever I try to install that one mod, I get this error, then CKAN crashes:

    Unhandled exception:
    CKAN.InvalidModuleFileKraken: C:\Users\{MyName}\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD620.tmp has length 844924, should be 844922
       at CKAN.NetModuleCache.Store(CkanModule module, String path, String description, Boolean move)
       at CKAN.NetAsyncModulesDownloader.ModuleDownloadsComplete(NetModuleCache cache, Uri[] urls, String[] filenames, Exception[] errors)
       at CKAN.NetAsyncModulesDownloader.<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<DownloadModules>b__3(Uri[] _uris, String[] paths, Exception[] errors)
       at CKAN.NetAsyncDownloader.triggerCompleted(Uri[] file_urls, String[] file_paths, Exception[] errors)
       at CKAN.NetAsyncDownloader.FileDownloadComplete(Int32 index, Exception error)
       at System.Net.WebClient.OnDownloadFileCompleted(AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
       at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
       at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
       at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 

    Is this a known issue? I'm using KSP 1.3.0 and CKAN v1.24.0, if it matters. I've tried restarting CKAN, I've tried deleting that file and trying again, everything I can think of and it keeps giving me that error with this one mod. It works properly for any other mods.

  6. Is anyone else having issues with installing this for 1.3? I tried installing it with the latest Kopernicus and Module Manager, and the game boots up properly, but crashes when I try to actually start a game. It goes to the Windows error handling, not KSP's, so there isn't any crash report to go along with it.

  7. 5 hours ago, Nertea said:

    I don't use said browser... suggest you have a look on Gliffy's website to check support. Unfortunately, I don't own Gliffy ;).

    You may have to use a different browser or be content with the static image.

    I just looked at the support info. Apparently, they don't support firefox for large images like this one is (though it works fine for smaller images). I tried it in Microsoft Edge and it worked.

  8. 16 hours ago, IgorZ said:

    Well, I can only suggest that you improperly use it. Don't forget that in order to move an item into the inventory you must "drag" it, not just click to pickup/drop as you usually do in the editor. E.g. in the editor point the part, push the left mouse button and drag it into the inventory. Only release the mouse button when the item is over an inventory slot.

    If you do everything right, and it still doesn't work, capture and share the log file.

    That's what it was. I saw the part change appearance if you left click and hold on a part with an inventory, and I assumed that meant something special. I tried picking up from the editor, and then dragging with the left mouse button down from the part with the inventory into the actual inventory itself. I guess I was accidentally trying to put the container inside of itself. It works perfectly well, I was the problem.

  9. 18 hours ago, Wragie said:

    Hi Igorz

    Not quite sure what to say about this lol.

    I went and created a clean zero mod 1.3.1 install. Then I fired up CKAN and added the mod that we are talking about (there now if I post in the wrong thread no one will ever notice lol).  I did get it to work but with a few items (wrench and manual and a few others) still not wanting to be added to a container. Then I played with it a few times on the launchpad and seemed to have enough parts working to make use of it. Now the weird bit. I went into my troublesome install and it was now working there as well.  Genuine W.T.F. moment.

    So I have no idea why it just started working. There was a few weird windows updates etc last week and I am wondering if that had more to it than anything. I really don't know what dependencies the game or you mod have but I am assuming one of them was one of the things updated.

    I will let you know if it bogs out again but for now its works. Still shaking my head (producing more than normal rattling noises).


    Would you mind trying to figure out what you did to fix it? I seem to be having the same issues as you originally described (can open inventories, but can't put anything in them) and I would like to be able to actually use this mod.


    1 minute ago, Galileo said:

    no i meant 1.0.2.

    Those that started a career on GPP version 1.0.1 and tried to load a game in GPP version 1.0.2 experienced contracts and missions for Gael popping up for Icarus because i changes the flightGlobalsIndex. 

    also, if you were running another planet pack before GPP and didn't completely remove module manager and the cache when you switched to GPP, you will have problems like that 

    I have not run any other planet pack mods before this, and I do not think that I started it on GPP 1.0.1

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