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  1. @magico13 Would you be willing to share your code/allow usage for the functional inventory? Maybe we can collaborate.
  2. I'm not looking to design parts, only provide a stock. Perhaps I'm not familiar enough with KSP (like stock upgradeable parts), but I'm only looking to keep track of part count and that's it. So { {name=partname, count=count} } should be enough. A few other parts might be treated differently, like procedural parts using raw metal instead of a specific part, but that will be on the KSP side rather than the data exchange file. Part of the mod package will probably include a recipe generation utility that parses KSP parts to generate Factorio recipes so this mod will support a variety of KSP mods. Back to the subject of KCT, you may be able to simplify the UI by forcing obsolete parts to be refurbished to their new version so you don't have to handle selection of old versions.
  3. Well that's nice to know. Modding seems a lot more involved in KSP compared to Factorio, considering the need to compile a dll. I'm not familiar with the KSP ecosystem so I'm not sure what changed in 1.2+ that broke KCT. That's why I'm hoping someone can bring me up to speed.
  4. Magico13, I am curious if I could get your help making a mod. Your mod is very similar to the idea and I figure you could offer some insights as to overall changes necessary to make my idea possible. The concept is to replace the construction with parts created in a separate game such that they're imported via a json text file. So besides part importing, I'll also need to keep track of an inventory in KSP, as well as replenishing that inventory on craft recovery. Most of the work seems done in Kerbal Construction time. But maybe you can help. And I would like your blessing to use your code. The other game in question is Factorio.
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