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Everything posted by DrIntrepid

  1. I certainly hope that all you've said here is true. That being said, it would be great if all the actors here would come clean about what transpired to let the KSP community decide how to deal with it. This reads like a Promotional piece, that everything is hunky-dory and everyone is blissfully working away, but let's be honest; even in KSP the all mighty dollar holds sway. If what we've heard about staff poaching attempts is true, own it. Do the right thing and be honest with us. If it's not, explain what happened so we can understand where such a nasty rumor would have started. Either way, tell the truth! Trust me, we REALLY WANT TO BELIEVE YOU!
  2. I'm no coder, but this hydrogen detonation combustion within rotating detonation rocket engine ( https://newatlas.com/space/rotating-detonation-engine-ucf-hydrogen-oxygen/?fbclid=IwAR06_5cX8XjT6EBh3G7kOn4BFDq6n9hNF39CQJNCs7sqDHcg7YtpUNzoMDw ) looks interesting. Could someone please design this and share it? You'd be the mensch!
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