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  1. I downloaded it but there's no toolbar file.... So I can't use anything in it... RAAAAWRG
  2. Ok, I went back and looked into it. I was not using mirror symmetry but it's still doing it. To be perfectly clear. I'm very new to this site and haven't figured out how to attach pictures on here yet (I know... I'm dumb, I'm sorry). Nut I'll try to explain the best I can in the meantime. I have a MK3 cockpit with a MK3 monoprop fuselage, a liquid fuel fuselage, small cargo bay, then loading bay (all MK3). In the front of the small cargo bay attached to the center line snap point I put a small stack decoupler (in line with the ship) then the rover is attached to the decouple inside the cargo bay. Again, no mirror symmety is applied.
  3. I didn't think to check symmetry. To be honest, I don't remember if it was on or not. I'll have to check it when I get off work tonight. Thank you all for the fast replies.
  4. Hey everyone. I've been playing KSP off and on for a couple years now and finally got off my butt and learned sub-assemblies. and my first sub-assembly was a rover to put inside my shuttle that I'll be taking out. The issue is, when I go to launch it (still in alpha testing phase), the rover is duplicated and starts jumping around. I've never seen this happen before (parts literally duplicating themselves). I double checked to make sure I didn't accidentally stick 2 rovers in the shuttle cargo bay or anything like that. I even built a new shuttle from scratch just in case the first one somehow got glitched, still does it. I'm attaching the rover with a docking port inside the cargo bay, could that be causing it? I'm at a loss here. Please help soon..
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