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Everything posted by chris_almere

  1. I finaly placed 3 sats in geosync above kerbin, angled them all near perfectly so the base signal would first hit sat1 who is directly above the base, and then transmit to any other sat or directly to where the signal is needed. This all looks fine, works great, but when i look at the network i see that the signal passes trough a absolutely massive chunk of kerbin. Cant we limit the angle that the comcentre can transmit trough(like only 15 degrees straight up becouse who in their right mind sends a signal over the horizon right?) Or atleast have proper world detection (Last time i checked this issnt bethesda game studios.) Ive looked trough the settings but found nothing, ive dug trough so many mods but found nothing that can help. I cant be the only one whos annoyed by this?
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