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Everything posted by En1r4m

  1. This is pretty awesome has a real classic feel to it gotta love it congrats man
  2. like i said it i was bored posted for fun i just wanted a stable design took me all of 5 minutes
  3. Lol i love this post thats exactly what i did when i first did it but as kerbal as tearing itself apart is. i wanted a stable design that can still fly afterwards looks cool though right?
  4. I don\'t know what mechjeb is as i say i use purely stock no plugins no mods i know it tips over at 15000 soon as it starts tipping seperate stage it still has enough fuel to get you in orbit or feel free to design your own lifter for the station i used the concept design and got it into a really high orbit but i designed concept design so i know how it works feel free to design your own lifter i just wanted ppl to check the space station stock parts design but could\'nt be bothered seprating from the concept ship i used so uploaded whole craft file normally concept ship goes straight with pretty much anything but space statin weighs alot hope you have fun and you will eventually get it in orbit
  5. Just a fun little rocket i put together while bored it has kerbal written all over it.
  6. Thank you i don\'t know anything about station building centrefuge etc i just built it cause i don\'t like using mods and wanted a space station so built a something that resembles a space station from stock parts.
  7. Just hit the T button to lock the advance sas onto the middle then press throttle to maximum then activate your thrusters. to get that behemoth into space gotta go straight up if try to move it before seperating first stage it flips lol hope you get it in orbit.
  8. Here are a few of my rocket designs demonstrating the versatility of my concept design from heavy lifter to moon or minmus lander. Also included are the craft files and screenshots for each craft plus the craft files for my space lab and or station built from stock parts. this is my first post so no idea what to write here just thought i would share my designs with the world. Hope you enjoy. The station launch can be a little tricky so i included screenshots of orbit and trajatory map showing orbit distance to prove it can be done. Also find included my fighter jet craft file theres probably a million of them already here but i like the look of mine so have fun. and who knows if my designs aren\'t rubbish and people like them i might even post my space plane designs. i have alot of designs prob around 100 i should probably get a life lol
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