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bru stmopf

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  1. So I tried looking at the code, loading it in VS 2015 to see what the incompatibility with KSP 1.4.4 may be and eventuellay help devs with it. I love this mod and thx to the original authors and contributors for putting together. Unfortunately I've come across a snag I don't quite understand. When trying to compile the Kopernicus.OnDemand project, the class Native byte array has a method returning a ref... this gives me a compile time error: I don't understand why. I'm using framework 3.5 Has anyone encountered this issue before ? I've tried a few things: looking for a vs update, changing framework among the main but with no results...
  2. @DMagic : Thanks to you I finally found the solution to my compilation "bug" problem. I'll leave the solution here in case anyone else has the same issue (it actually took me a while to figure it out). The scansat code is completely fine, but when recreating a csproj file to compile the project, do not define the DEBUG constant. it sends stock ksp in limbo...
  3. @diomedea : thanks a lot for that link. it really helped me getting things started @DMagic: I may be wrong but It could be there is a difference between the dll provided in the release of Scansat v16.11 and a compilation of the github code from branch release. I cloned your repo, compiled the code as is against the ksp libraries (version, 64 bit windows) and launched the game. I still get the same weird crash. When I debug the code, it seems that it crashes when the main menu is loaded, and a call is made to the FlightGlobals.currentMainBody field which happens to be null (I checked with debug in vs). I posted underneath the frist occurence of code that throws a nullref exception (from scansatcontroller). I'll create the issue in the github repo. Anyway, thanks for everything. if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { if (!body_data.Contains(FlightGlobals.currentMainBody.name)) body_data.Add(FlightGlobals.currentMainBody.name, new SCANdata(FlightGlobals.currentMainBody)); try { mainMap = gameObject.AddComponent<SCANmainMap>(); settingsWindow = gameObject.AddComponent<SCANsettingsUI>(); instrumentsWindow = gameObject.AddComponent<SCANinstrumentUI>(); colorManager = gameObject.AddComponent<SCANcolorSelection>(); BigMap = gameObject.AddComponent<SCANBigMap>(); resourceOverlay = gameObject.AddComponent<SCANoverlayController>(); resourceSettings = gameObject.AddComponent<SCANresourceSettings>(); zoomMap = gameObject.AddComponent<SCANzoomWindow>(); } catch (Exception e) { SCANUtil.SCANlog("Something Went Wrong Initializing UI Objects: {0}", e); } }
  4. Thanks. I actually saw that thread but I wasn't too sure coz my prob is definitely narrowed down to scan sat compilation... You're correct in assuming I did not change anything in any of the code files. The only difference is in the referencing the right libraries, and I checked : they're referencing the game's dll in "Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data\Managed" I'm already compiling in debug, but I'll try to follow the link you gave to enable run time debugging of unity (not gonna compile mono though...)
  5. Hi Everyone, (I'm not sure this is the right place for this post...) Fascinated by all the great mods out there, I've decided to start giving back to the modding community and contribute some work myself and generate some pull requests... The first step for me is learning a bit of the structure of the KSP API, and some of the main mods out there to see what I could do... And that's where I hit my first snag: I'm trying to compile scansat from source and it generates a bug in KSP at run-time that doesn't occur if I take the release DLL from DMagic. In my KSP.log, I get the following error spams when I use the DLL I compiled, but all goes well when I use the one provided [EXC 10:46:57.200] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object KSP.UI.Screens.ResourceDisplay.CreateResourceList () KSP.UI.Screens.ResourceDisplay.Update () [EXC 10:46:57.998] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object SCANsat.SCANcontroller.Start () My platform is Windows 7 64 bit, and I'm compiling using VS. I have no other mods installed except blizzy's toolbar and AVC. I have tried without/with the other mods, and the bug shows up only when my compilation of scansat is used. I'm guessing that DMagic compiles using Mono , correct ? Is there any specific reason behind this issue ? has anyone else had the same issue ? I'v posted below a screen capture of the bug (i never get to the main menu, it immediately goes to this after the loading screen.) as well as the csproj file I m using. I know this has nothing to do with the awesome work done on Scansat, and I'm not sure I'm asking in the right place, but any advice would be greatly appreciated for an aspiring fellow modder... (please pretty please :-) )
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