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  1. Yeah Im getting a hang of the evas, but there was a lot of panicking while trying to catch up with the capsule.. Thanks for the lab advice. Im off to build the rescue probe :DD
  2. I do have probe cores and thats what i will do, but im not really sure how do you mean ''grab the science" because i have the "lab thing" with the capsule. Thanks for the advice...
  3. I did let go of the ladder and pushed a lot. But after i barely got back to the pod i realy dont want to do that anymore. I guess I'm gonna try the randezvous untill i get it right. Thanks a lot for the advices..
  4. Hello, I've started playing ksp about a week ago, so i'm fairly new to the game. While atempting to get into orbit , Jebediah got stuck in it with no fuel and all my experiments. I tried to eva and push against the craft but that doesnt seem to work. So im asking is there a way I could intercept my capsule with my low tech ... Realy enjoy the game and would love to get that science back and get some extra cash..
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