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Everything posted by LoneWolfNick

  1. I had the same problem, refer to this post for the installation details:
  2. I'm actually wondering, first if these question can still be answered, second, what parts did you use for the rotational part of the space station in the second video, and how did you get it that stable, if I try something like that, my station wobbles all over the place
  3. I have a major problem, I either didn't install the mod correctly, or it's broken for me, I don't see a separate category for your parts, neither do I see a configuration button, I'm running KSP 1.2.2 Windows Steam version and I extracted MagicSmokeIndustries, and TweakScale into the GameData file, together with the Model Rework & Expansion, if you need more information I'm glad to help
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