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Kerbal Fried Chicken

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Everything posted by Kerbal Fried Chicken

  1. I want to sing and dance, I want to sing and danceI want to be a pirate in the Pirates of PenzanceWear me silver-buckled slippers and me tight shiny pantsI want to sing and dance - ray stevens
  2. quick buy KSP before the deadline. and on a less important note go to a doctor - you have a tumor you wont find til 2017 edit: @Gargamel there are some sports bets i'd lay down as well :-)
  3. to turn into - or away from - requires Dv not posts. and since we still do not get Dv in stock we'll never know how much is required to turn into a black hole. EDIT: though there might be a mod for that :-)
  4. So if I have a central tank and two side tanks all with running engines and set the outer tanks to a higher priority the outer tanks should drain first? excellent thanks for the help. If I have outer tanks and no engines on them could I use the priorities to specify which tanks I want to drain first?
  5. I've been trying to expand my KSP toolkit by exploring parts I've rarely used. In this case the fuel manifold. I usually screw up either the fuel flow or the staging. I can't find specifics on the "Flow Priorities" tweakables, and I expect that's where I'm going wrong. Can someone give me a rundown on using the manifold properly? Also any info on how the flow priorities function would be much appreciated.
  6. This is a prime example of why I read the forums. While I have nothing to offer in response to the question; I learned a huge amount from the replies. So Thank You!!!! to asker and answerers alike.
  7. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks for that but now that I started I'm poophole enough that I have to finish learning the syntax.
  8. The just delete option doesn't really work for me. While deleting the m1 cockpit and t100-800 fuel tanks worked and broke nothing that I've encountered; the engine file names etc. are very different and harder to differentiate. So for now I'm going with Snarks plan of leaving well enough alone while learning MM syntax. ( I can't possibly screw things up too badly. ) As always thanks all for the helpful replies.
  9. I installed partsoverhaul.zip in my Gamedata folder. Can anyone tell me how to remove the older analogous versions of the parts so that I don't have two mk-1 cockpits etc. cluttering up my parts menu?
  10. This would get you to minmus . Land there and return. With Dv to spare. It's not elegant and you could do better. But it does not require huge ships to get to minmus and the mun. http://imgur.com/a/SwMbp
  11. Playing non-steam I don't have a counter. I don't want a counter as the numbers might frighten me. On the bright side in terms of hours played and what the game cost me; KSP has far and away given me the most bang (cough) for my buck.
  12. Yup. Once I do need it (whether weight or re-entry settings cause it) the initial 200 (I think?) is still way too high in the early tiers.
  13. My experience has been that the early tier to orbit shots do not need a heat shield. save the extra weight by ditching it.
  14. What @Sharpy said: Depends on how you define stranded. I define it as "Unmotivated to mount a rescue" I mean if I got there once I could get there again with a rescue craft. I did discover that as I plan carefully (so as not to strand or kill the little green dudes and dudettes) my skills at fixing situations that have gone pear-shaped was sorely lacking. So my most recent start I deliberately "stranded" a 3-member team each on the Mun, Minmus, and Duna. Thus motivated; i'm working on the design of a series of small craft whose only function is "Oh crap... I forgot what now???" My first craft can get about anywhere in the system and recover one kerbal from space. For landed kerbals it can retrieve one from minmus or the mun. I'll have to make varients for getting back off the surface of other bodies.
  15. I ruined my first career. Before I understood the vagaries of the contract system I took contracts I didn't have the skill or the tech to handle, or failed to read the fine print on height and speed of a parts test, or a 3-tourist contract but they all wanted to go different places. (Usually places I hadn't learned to go.) So I ended up with all contracts I couldn't do and no room for new ones that I could. I abandoned that career. But I learned to read the fine print. And later learned I could have rescued my game with judicious use of alt-f12.
  16. Thank you all for the great answers. Like Snark I'm not a great fan of the Claw solution. (But there's no trick I wouldn't use to get the job done.) I'm going to try the Orbit-Dock-Land method on this save simply because the only docking ports on the already landed craft are on top. (And it's something Jeb would try ) On a parallel track I'll load a sandbox game and see if I can't sort out better planned base progression for the stock tiers. Again; thanks for all the suggestions.
  17. There's an idea. I do have enough fuel left in the original lander to make orbit. hummmm... landing again though... what the heck. challenge accepted.
  18. I had a similar problem when the lander I detached from my transfer craft had a different control point then anticipated. "wait!. I said hold retro! why is my AP climbing??" we've all been there.
  19. TY. My first choice was rovers but i'm having a heck of a time getting early tier craft to link up with later tier craft because of the diameter differences. So, Claws count as if I just added 8 bedrooms to my base? or can you transfer crew through Claws? I just discovered I can transfer crew through fuel tanks. go figure.
  20. I just play. As in: when I was a younger and we were actually going places (instead of hanging out in LEO) I was totally entranced with the notion. Well, that and "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang". That guy was a Kerbal... "oh I think i'll strap a rocket and a couple wings on my back and aim down this ski jump!!" I'm light on mods but mostly because my 11 year old computer would choke to death on them. So mostly info like KER. When I use life support it makes it feel like EVERY mission is a rescue mission.
  21. I've finally reached the point where I can competently craft, launch, and land bases (my game is stock except for information mods like KER) so now I get contracts to "Expand Mun Base". My question is how do you plan your initial base crafts to be able to accept later expansion craft? i'm terrible landing/docking things on top of already landed craft so i'm looking more at how do I align docking ports on various craft so they match up later. TY in advance for any suggestions.
  22. skipping the discussion of defining "cheating" in KSP.. I don't clip (mostly cuz I suck at it) but there's that one part in Aerodynamics ... just a piece of empty fuselage (I've used it occasionally to stick things on when I have a very small probe) I can see where a new player might assume that some parts could legitimately go inside.
  23. IIRC. It remains on-sale at the KSP Store thru 6-January-2017
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