Sigh. Took too long writing this. Got signed out, lost post. Please forgive terseness.
Mods: Mechjeb, KER, Alarm Clock, kOS, RCS build Aid, x Science, Safe Chute, Stage Recovery, Trajectories, Infernal Robotics
OS: Linux
For about two days now--not every time, not with every ship--towards the end of reentry I get locked out of SOME but not all controls. Staging and steering still work, but throttle does not. What also doesn't work, are the parachutes. They've already been activated, but their own internal pressure/altitude/speed computation freezes. It's not that they deploy at the wrong time and get destroyed; they NEVER deploy. A few hundred meters above the sea, at about 230m/s, they still read "Safe to deploy?: unsafe" have dark (I'm colorblind, so I can't say what color) icons and are quite intact and undeployed.
Experimentation has shown that I have full control until I drop below just under 26,000m. Around 25,800m. Before that, tapping the throttle makes the engine fire. After, nothing. If I leave the throttle set to full, at this point it drops to 0.
This does correspond with my starting to use Trajectories, so I will pull that and try again once I get Jeb safely home, but I don't see how that would cause this.