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Everything posted by tox1m

  1. Ah i had missed this latest release. I did a quick test with it; seems to save most of the group names, except for the first group(groupName = New Group). Changes made inflight to that first group name does not stick either. Rest of the my groups seemed to keep their names and parts though.
  2. Hmm. Did you fix the IR groups issue(couple pages back there was talk about some group related bug fixed), or is it just me who has problems with groups saving? IR-2.0.0-RC3, same result if i remove other plugins. When saving a craft with IR parts, the groups i place them in wont get saved properly into the .craft file (they get saved with the default groupName = New Group Name names). And in launch some of the groups disappear... Here is my ksp log and save, just in case: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/av8bnl87h1ir0w8/AAAY75tnmdVIrC7FmG75j7uxa?dl=0 And some pics in case my rambling was not clear: http://imgur.com/a/aa4Rr
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