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  1. This SSTO is ligth there are many type of Phanter,My Phanter IV is in KerbalX for download The first model of Phanter is down here:
  2. Hello do You have problems using Stock Visual Enhancement(SVE) cause I do give your guides how to
  3. Your mission is to go to everywhere one rocket that plant every flag on every celestial body of the Kerbol System Rules:No Mining,No Re Fuel and No docking to Space Stations Mission:Impress Me Let's See If You Can
  4. Hi Matt I have problems with my Graphics Mods

    -Stock Visual Enhancement


    -Envioremental Visual Enhancement

    What should I do?

    1. Jack5.exe


      Uhm.... matts not a game/mod dev, you should be asking someone else for help like the guy who made EVE or Scatter

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