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Unknown account x1

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    Bulevar Oslobodenja 94,Novi sad,Serbija

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  1. My first test flight with a nuclear payload video this is my first bomber in ksp and this is its first test flight Hack gravity is not enabled
  2. I didn,t made this craft I downloaded from dropbox linked to '12 ton ssto to duna' by Turbo pumped In the video his flight goes well he use 1.0?-1.04?
  3. ja mozda znam da budem blizu svemirskog centra KSC, ali neznam da se spustim a da ne umrem. ima li neko tutoriale kako se spusta svemiriski avion. ovaj video pokazuje kako sam glupav u igrici
  4. Posdrav Ljudi ja sam Unknown Account x1 i tu sam da vas upoznam . ja sam nov ovde i posto neznam engleski dodajte google translator. i imam jedno pitanje kako da odletim u igrici avionom sa LY-01 Fixed Landing Gear i LY-05 Steerable Landing Gear zato sto neznam kako se lete avioni. ali znam kako da idem na mesec i druge planete. ja sam is bosne i hercegovine
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