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Everything posted by Spingitore

  1. I had to revert the flight because, during reenter of the command pod to Kerbin, Jeb had the bad idea of trying to open the parachute a bit too low after losing a bet, and so I already replanned the new station with a command pod attached: Since with my current science level I don't have a bigger command pod, will the adapter permit the transfer of Kerbals (as well and fuel and data) from the command pod to the science lab and viceversa?
  2. Ok this looks good... so lets say I will attach a command pod from the fuel tank side.. If I then attach my lander to the side of the lab, it will be able to both transfer the data to the lab and refuel from the tank, am I right? Or maybe I could just leave the station as it is now and use the lander as a temporary command pod? Will the science lab be able to process the data with the lander detached? Ok thanks I got it... I thought I had to dock to the specific component to be able to use it.
  3. You mean from the side of the fuel tank? Again I would block the docking port to refuel... The concept of this station was to have a very basic facility with access to the lab in one side and the fuel tank on the other side. Whatever I add will make one of the two useless.. The only place to add something is in the middle.. I was thinking to revert and add a remote guidance there. Will that work? I mean: if I attach a command pod to the docking port of the science lab, it will become unaccessible to a lander (considering that the other side is already unaccessible being attached to the fuel tank)... how will I transfer the science data then?
  4. And why Bob Kerman inside the science lab does not count? The problem is that if I attach a pod to the science lab, I lose direct access to it. How will I transfer science from my landers to the science lab?
  5. Hello, I am trying to build my first space staion in Mun orbit. I was able to bring there the first (and probably only) stage, composed of a science lab and a fuel tank, to use as a base for Mun exploration. Here a screenshot to give an idea: Now the problem is: when I switch to the station from the command pod that just released it, I can't seem to be able to operate anything on the station. I cannot turn on the lights placed near the docking ports, I cannot retract the solar panel or the antenna... Basically I cannot do anything on this station. Is that because a command pod or some form remote command is mandatory even on orbital station? Note that I placed an antenna (Communotron DTS-M1) on the science lab because at first I thought that was the problem, but turned out it wasn't, unless another specific type of antenna is required.
  6. In my ideal world, the entire humanity should be enslaved for the only purpose of advancement of science, with exploration as the main practical goal. This means that, as of today, at least a billion people would be working 16-18 hours per day with the only final aim of explore, exploit and colonize the Solar System. 230 days to get to Mars would be overwhelmingly enough, also considering that the preservation of human life and health of astronauts would be number 2139485902375 in the list of worries. I would say, given these conditions, that not 230, but more than 23 days to prepare and launch a spaceship to Mars would be considered high treason and sentenced with death. Back to the real word(?), I will take your suggestion, meaning that building 2-3 orbital stations, starting from scratch, and not following any tutorial (I like trial and error) will be quite challenging and time consuming, even in Kerbal time, and possibly I will not have either the time and more importantly the will to grind much science on the moons thereafter. Also consider that one of the aims of building those stations was to minimize the repetition of science missions to Mun and Minmus. Ok I was afraid you would say that. No actually I've never even thought of sending up such huge tonnages, as I always tried to design and build the smallest and lightest ship able to do the desired job. I can't even figure out what to do with such a huge spaceship right now (don't want to open the link because I'm trying to take my own path, however wrong and limited it may be, at least for now)
  7. I've completed about half of the 160 techs. The heaviest rocket I've successfully launched (to land on the Mun and back) is roughly 260 tons, fuel and engines included. I hope you don't mean 120 tons of 'tools', in that case not even in my wettest dreams
  8. "Scanyland--I don't think there is a best way to do it but what I like to do is load up the largest tank I can and get it to the station, I always find that the worst case scenario is that I have to tap into the fuel supply if I don't have enough to finish the journey. Then what I do is when send another mission I try to send it with extra fuel and transfer the extra to the station. I would also recommend building a station in orbit of kerbin just to get the hang a building one and to get a technique and design scheme you like." Ok then I will first for the LKO space station, at least for the sake of training, if anything, and, as suggested by you and Aerogav, to rescue fuel from other missions.
  9. Actually I feel more comfortable with big rockets than smaller ones . Probably because I have spent quite a few time balancing and learning to pilot the ones for a round trip to the Mun. Usually a central body with a couple of Rockomax X200-32, sorrounded by 8 Kickback solid fuel boosters . Well that's what I intend for 'big' right now... I guess that may be VERY relative...
  10. Thanks to both of you for the quick replies. I don't have the science to drill (actually I wasn't even aware that is possible to 'harvest' fuel out of Kerbin), so that wasn't in my mind, at least for the moment. The reason I wanted to build the stations was: for the moons, to have a refueling station, so that I could use the lander multiple times without the need to get back to Kerbin every time (also adding a science lab); for the one in LKO: to use it as an intermediate place to grab a fuel tank and make moons orbital costruction easier (i.e. adding a lot of DeltaV without the need to launch it fro KSC). I am pretty sure the ones I planned for the moons are worth it, just not sure it is worth it the one in LKO, at least for the use I described... Maybe it is just easier to send everthing directly from KSC?
  11. Hello, this is my first post, so please be nice to a noob I am on my first career in KPS (well actually my first anything at KPS in general) and I've been able to get to both the Mun and Minmus. Next planned step is a round trip to Duna, but the next transfer window is 230 Kerbal days from present time. So I decided to try and build some orbital stations in the meantime, to fully explore the two Kerbin moons and maximize midgame science. The question is: what is the most efficient way to bring fuel to the orbital stations? I read somewhere that is better to send big empty tanks and make multiple flights with small tanks to fill the big ones. I made some calcuations, though, and noticed that in many cases (i.e. same brand) there is no difference in the full/empty ratio for liquid fuel tanks. So what's the point of sending many small filled tanks in different flights instead of a minor number of flights with big filled tanks? Consider I can only send FL-T and Rockomax with my present science level... Second question: since I planned to build orbital stations orbiting both moons, either for the fun of it and to help with ground exploration, is it worth to build an additional 'starting' orbital station over Kerbin? Thanks
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